ItemJoin icon

ItemJoin -----

Get custom items on join.

1.20.5 & 1.20.6 Support, Bugfixes, and New Features.


  • on-drop item command.
    • If you drop an item with on-drop command(s) specified these will execute.
    • Example;
Code (Text):
    slot: 0
      - 'message: &cCome back! You left me behind!'
  • model-data, durability, and data saving using the in-game menu.
    • Previously this information was not saved when trying to import an existing item.
  • Snapshot update checking.
    • If you ever download a snapshot from our integration server ItemJoin now checks for updates to see if a new snapshot is available.
    • If a snapshot update is found it can be automatically fetched via /itemjoin upgrade.
    • Additionally, if a snapshot is outdated because it has officially hit the release stage, you will be moved off of the snapshot branch to update to the official release. You will not be automatically moved to the next snapshot branch (Aka v6.0.6 to v6.0.7). If you wish to move to the new snapshot versioning you will need to manually download it. This is done to encourage updating to the official release since initial snapshots after an official release are typically unstable.

  • Bug with custom items being held in a cursor was not being removed.
  • Trigger conditions being erased when saving using the menu.
  • MCAntiMalware false-flag bug.
  • VirusTotal false-flag bug.
  • World-switch null item bugfix.
  • Item Statistics being lost when reloading (Enchantments, Placeholders, etc).
  • no-hat itemflag bugfix.
    • If this was enabled on the item and you typed in chat or executed a command that contained the characters hat the message or command would be blocked.
    • EX; What are you doing? would be blocked due to hat existing inside what.
    • Now supporting types are defined, currently EssentialsX /ehat, CMI /cmi hat, and General /hat are currently blocked, more can be added if needed in the future.
  • Null animations bugfix.
    • Items could continue to try to animate even when the player was offline or the item didn't exist for the player.
  • Death-Chest / Tombstone plugin bugfix.
    • death-drops / death-keep itemflags now properly prevent the item from being stored in a death chest from plugins like AngelChest.
  • Custom consumable potion effects bugfix.
    • These were functioning outside their defined enabled-worlds.
  • Null crafting items bugfix.
  • NMS bugfix.
    • The NMS checker would always think it was running a developer version.
    • This function exists to alert the player if they are using ItemJoin on a server version newer than what ItemJoin has been compiled and tested against.
  • Arbitrary item stacking bugfix.
    • Items with the arbitrary slot specified were not automatically stacking where applicable, instead they were always given in a new slot when using the /itemjoin get command.
  • Move-next itemflag bugfix.
    • If the player had already been given the item, it would try to move itself to the next available slot despite not needing to be given.
  • Limit-switch bugfix.
    • This was just straight-up broken and non-functional when WorldGuard was enabled on the server.
  • Limit-modes bugfix.
    • Old gamemode references were being used when respawning or switching worlds due to the item delay causing the item to be given (or not given) when it was supposed to.
    • Gamemodes are now properly checked at the exact time the item is to be given or removed.
  • Null NBT bugfix.
    • Some item types were being detected as ItemJoin items because they had NBT data even though it didn't match ItemJoin's data.
    • NBT data is now properly checked and verified.
  • Miscellaneous Menu bug fixes.
  • Bug with how items are displayed as loaded.
    • The incorrect number of items successfully loaded were listed in console at startup.
    • All items would be listed if they were successfully read instead of listing items that were successfully loaded into memory.
  • disposable itemflag duplication bugfix.
    • Items using the disposable itemflag but not having the item-store itemflag defined could result in item duplication when storing the item into chests or clicking on item-frames, armor stands, and other entities.
  • Major recipe bugfix for recipes with custom ItemJoin items defined.
    • These simply wouldn't work and would break the default crafting table functionality.

  • death-keep itemflag.
    • This now functions more as a death-keep itemflag as the name implies.
    • Only items that currently exist at the time of death with the death-keep itemflag will be kept upon respawning.
    • If they do not meet the conditions to be given (enabled-worlds, enabled-regions, or limit-modes) the item will not be kept.
  • PlayerAutoCraftEvent whitelisting.
    • Plugins that utilize the PlayerAutoCraftEvent to open GUI menus can now request to be added to the whitelist.
  • Region triggers are now handled differently.
    • Instead of checking the regions when entering/leaving them the regions are always checked on player movement every 10 ticks.
    • This may result in higher timings but this makes the triggers more accurate reducing bugs and glitches.

[​IMG] [​IMG]

Please see the documentation page if you need any help with these new updates!
If you have any ideas or requests that you would like to see in ItemJoin's future please submit a feature request.
----------, May 28, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 126,672
First Release: Sep 27, 2015
Last Update: Feb 19, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
270 ratings
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