Its the big
Big thanks to everyone who has downloaded my plugin. Its been fun and there is a lot more to come!
- Added option in config.yml "First-Join-Only" (default = false). Reset the config.yml file to see the new option.
- Added option in config.yml "give-on-respawn" (default = false). Reset the config.yml file to see the new option. "New Respawn Event".
- Added option in items.yml "data-value:" (default = 0). Reset the items.yml file to see the new option.
- Re-wrote the commands so they display errors correctly and actually respond to you.
- Few bug fixes.
- Cleaned up more code V_V.
What is data-value? This is the new solution to item id's. You can now use Bukkit material name and the ending id "data value" to get the right item.
So in the items.yml you can have id: GOLDEN_APPLE and then data-value: 1 and receive a GOD golden apple. Or you could have id: STAINED_GLASS and data-value: 12 and receive BROWN stained glass. These are just a few of MANY examples.