TLDR Video Changelog
- Support for Minecraft 1.18.
- Support for 1.17+ remapped and non-remapped dev jars.
- Toggle Commands.
- You can now allow players to execute a list of command(s) to enable/disable a specific ItemJoin item for themselves.
- The action `toggle:` must be defined followed by a command or list of commands.
- You can also specify a `toggle-permission` so only certain players can toggle on/off the command, this does not apply to OP players.
- This can be anything, such as `fish.toggle`, in the example I simply use `itemjoin.compass.toggle`.
- You can also specify a custom `toggle-message` that is sent to the player when they execute the toggle command.
- Example;
Code (Text):
- 'compass'
- 'toggle compass'
toggle-permission: 'itemjoin.compass.toggle'
toggle-message: '&7You have toggled your compass!'
- `disabled-worlds` to custom items.
- You can now specify specific worlds to disable instead of specifying worlds to enable.
- JSON Text for message item command executor.
- This acts exactly the same as JSON Books except now it works for the message item command executor.
- Support for NickAPI.
- Fixes bugs that may occur if a player is nicked with this plugin.
- Dynamic worlds.
- You can now specify a world (Prefix) followed by a `*` to dynamically enable all worlds or disable all worlds that start with that prefix.
- Example; `enabled-worlds: world*` would enable the worlds `world, world_nether, world_the_end` since they all start with world.
- Syntax; `prefix*`
- hide-flags itemflag.
- An item with this itemflag will have all its enchantments, attributes, unbreakable tag, etc hidden.
- This was formerly known as the `hide-attributes` itemflag.
- Support for 1.17's new `HIDE_DYE` ItemFlag.
- The itemflag `hide-flags` now supports this.
- Support for FlameCord.
- The connection to CloudSync, not ItemJoin itself ...
- Support for SlimeWorldManager.
- Active-Commands can now be modified via the in-game `/itemjoin menu` under the config settings section.
- Updated SkinsRestorer API to support the latest version.
- Updated ChestSort API to support the latest version.
- Updated the /itemjoin help messages to JSON hoverable and clickable text.
- SQL Bugfixes.
- Protocol bugfix.
- Packet bugfix.
- Async bugfix.
- In-Game Menu bugfix.
- un-equip/on-equip bugfixes.
- Query command permissions bugfix.
- Skull-Textures containing URL bugfix.
- item-store itemflag bugfix.
- Weird issues occuring with multi-inventory plugins interacting with WorldGuard.
- GeyserMC bugfix.
- Magma bugfix.
- TPS Leak bugfix.
- First-World trigger bugfix.
- If used as a trigger instead of an itemflag the JOIN trigger would not automatically enable itself, causing the first-world trigger to not function.
- Force OP bugfix.
- Plugins/Programs that would check ItemJoin's code would detect it as "Malware" because they cannot understand dynamic values.
- The `op:` command identifier now checks if you are OP and if you are it will execute it via regular dispatch.
- If you are not OP you will be set to OP via a static value, then removed from OP via a static value, preventing any malicious intent.
- Blocks-drop bugfix.
- Items that did not drop items (vanilla) would not drop custom items.
- ItemJoin now checks if the item requires a pickaxe to break, if it does it checks for the tool otherwise it will drop the custom item regardless of existing block drops.
- AuthMeAPI bugfix.
- If force registration was turned off ItemJoin would not issue items despite not needing to register.
- ItemJoin now fetches AuthMe's config file and checks the boolean value.
- Item-Repairable bugfix.
- A Grindstone was able to repair an item with this itemflag despite being blocked.
- Commands permission bugfix
- Denying permission for all commands including `itemjoin.use` would cause the plugin to break.
- ExploitFixer solution.
- If you use ExploitFixer and you have `itemsfix` enabled in their config.yml, ItemJoin will now scream at you until you disable it ...
- Using Legacy Materials now throws a soft exception and info messages.
- If you use a numerical item id and/or data values instead of the proper string name in Minecraft 1.13+ it causes a major lag spike when these materials are attempted to be cached causing a drop in TPS.
- These values should not be used in Minecraft 1.13+ so please use proper formatting.
- Minecraft versions below 1.13 will remain unaffected and will benefit from numerical ids.
- Altered Bungeecord support.
- ItemJoin-Bungee has been renamed to CloudSync and contains many fixes so ItemJoin has been updated to reflect this.
- The old ItemJoin-Bungee version will not function with this version of ItemJoin.
- Swap-Item command behavior.
- There were a few glitches that would occur.
- There would be a visible delay where the item was entirely gone prior to giving the swap-item.
- hide-attributes itemflag.
- This flag used to hide all tags and enchantments, etc.
- This itemflag now only hides attribute tags such as armor points and attack speed.
Please see the documentation page if you need any help with these new updates!
If you have any ideas or requests that you would like to see in ItemJoin's future please submit a feature request.