Config Versions 4, Bug Fixes & New Features.
Backup your config files and prepare for the newly generated ones, as the new features need the new config files otherwise ItemJoin will break!
- Commands-cost has been added, you can now add this identifier to your item and charge for use of the commands!
- Support for global items, you can now list your worlds under world lists and define items under a global world for every world-list world to get the items. See the wiki help section for help on the global items here.
- Optional Vault Dependency added.
- %hitplayer% variable added to item commands.
- /ItemJoin AutoUpdate (Now auto updates the ItemJoin plugin to the latest version when this command is ran, will require a server restart!)
- Custom Arrows! You can now get/create Tipped Arrows. Example in the wiki.
- Check for Updates no longer throws an error on startup, completely changed the check for updates system to Spigot API.
- SwapHands register for lesser versions. v1.8.8 no longer displays console errors.
- Crash on Join issues fixed, It was a very rare occurrence though.
- Check for updates system completely re-written! So much better & cleaner.
- I have temporarily removed the Custom Maps item to wait for a quick fix on the constant error codes. This should return soon!
Please see the
Documentations page if you need any help with these new updates!
Have any ideas or requests that you would like to see in ItemJoin's future? Please submit a
feature request.