Vaultcher - Secure Voucher and Referral Management!  [1.20 - 1.21.4] ✅ icon

Vaultcher - Secure Voucher and Referral Management! [1.20 - 1.21.4] ✅ -----

A secure and efficient plugin for managing digital vouchers in Minecraft

( 1.0.4 Update Highlights ) New commands | New permissions | Tab Complete
1.0.4 Update Highlights

Command Overhaul
Commands now function like Unix commands! ️ Use --[parameter] with your commands for improved performance.

New Permission: vaultcher.admin
If you use the vaultcheres command:
  • ✅ Players with vaultcher.admin can delete everything.
  • Players without it can only delete what they own.
Goodbye, SQLite!
We've removed SQLite because it’s:
❌ Outdated
❌ Vulnerable to attacks
❌ Inefficient

Hello, H2 Database!
Say hello to H2:
✅ Faster ‍♂️
✅ More reliable ✅
✅ Easier to maintain

Why the change?
Your experience matters to us, and these updates ensure better performance, security, and ease of use.

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Resource Information
Total Downloads: 109
First Release: Dec 11, 2024
Last Update: Yesterday at 8:01 PM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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