LightFly - Fly on/off, Tempfly, HEX color support icon

LightFly - Fly on/off, Tempfly, HEX color support -----

A multi-lang fly plugin with useful features

Version: v1.0.4
The plugin is great! but I think there's something that you missed out. When I added the permission like to that specific player only? He still able to set fly for the others without giving him Please fix the issue.. :D
Author's response
Thanks for your review and the bug report! That issue is now fixed in the new 1.0.5 update :-)

Version: v1.0.4
10/5 !!!! What a good plugin! This is what i looking for. Keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author's response
I'm glad it works for you!

Version: v1.0.4
The developer is extremely helpful and responsive. This plugin solves many issues and is made very well! Thank you for your hard work
Author's response

Version: 1.0.2
OMG el primer plugin interesante que veo para poder volar
Ahora que puedo volvar moverme por mi servidor es mas facil 10/10

Version: 1.0.0
eta muy bueno e muy bueno siempre quise volar en mi servidor de minecraftr y ahora puedo volar en mi servidor de minecraft muy bueno la verdad eta muy bueno

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 345
First Release: May 30, 2024
Last Update: Dec 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings