LightFly A simple fly plugin with useful features (Requires java 17)
Prevent fly change in creative
Alternate fly and Fly on/off
/tempfly command
Multi-lang support
Tell me if you need support! Discord: jaim3_
/fly Alternates your fly mode
/fly <player>Alternates another player's fly mode
/fly <player> (on/off) Set fly mode for another player
/lightfly reloadReloads config & lang file
/tempfly <player> <time> Gives fly to player for a limited time
lf.admin Access to reload command and all commands Access to /fly command Access to /fly <player> command Access to /tempfly (See usage below)* Access to all fly commands
lightfly_flymode - Returns whether player has fly active or not.
lightfly_flymode_<player> - Returns whether <player> has fly active or not.
lightfly_isflying - Returns true if player is currently flying, false if otherwise.
lightfly_isflying_<player> - Returns true if <player> is currently flying, false if otherwise
lightfly_tempfly_time - Shows the remaining temp fly time (returns 0 if player doesn't have tempfly active)
lightfly_tempfly_time_<player> - Shows the remaining temp fly time of <player>.
Using /tempfly⚠
Tempfly is NOT intended for giving a player temporary access to the /fly command, use time-based permissions instead. Tempfly is for giving a player (who doesn't have the fly permission) a brief time of flight. You can set to send/don't send a message to the player.
Creating lang files
To create new lang files, follow these steps:
Copy-paste any of the given base lang.yml files
Rename them to anything you want
Change "lang" option in config file to your new file.
If anything happens, just delete the folder and everything will be recreated!
Code (YAML):
# File to use in /lang folder, to create more just copy-paste the base lang file. lang: en-en
# This will prevent plugin enabling/disabling fly for a player in creative prevent_fly_in_creative: true
# Plugin will notify player if he has X time of tempfly remaining send_temp_fly_warning: false
# Plugin will notify player when his tempfly time ends send_temp_fly_finished: false
# How many seconds of fly should remain for the plugin to notify? # With default values, player will get notified when 10 seconds are remaining # and also when it's about to finish (last 3 seconds) time_warning_seconds: - 10
- 3
- 2
- 1
Code (YAML):
prefix: "↖FCFly &8> " bad_usage_fly: "&c✘ &7Use &c/fly <player> &7." bad_usage_tempfly: "&c✘ &7Use &c/tempfly <player> <seconds>&7." bad_usage_on_off: "&c✘ &7Use &c/fly <player> (on/off)&7." no_permission: "&c✘ &7You don't have permission." unknown_player: "&c✘ &7Player &c%player% &7is not online." invalid_number: "&c✘ &7Insert a valid number." temp_fly_success: "&a✔ &7Player &a%player% &7received fly for %time% seconds." temp_fly_message: "&7&Fly mode �ff73enabled &7for &a%time%s&7." temp_fly_warning_message: "&c&l! &7You have &c%time% &7seconds of fly remaining." temp_fly_finished: "&c&l! &7Your fly time ended." fly_enabled: "&7Fly mode �ff73enabled&7." fly_enabled_other: "&a✔ &7Fly mode for %player% �ff73enabled&7." fly_disabled: "&7Fly mode &#f74f4fdisabled&7." fly_disabled_other: "&a &7Fly mode for %player% &#f74f4fdisabled&7." help_admin: -
" " -
"&9- &7/fly (player) (on/off)" -
"&9- &7/tempfly <player> <seconds>" -
"&9- &7/lightfly (reload/version)" -
" " reload: "&a✔ &7Config reloaded." gamemode_not_allowed: "&c✘ &7You can't use this on Creative." gamemode_not_allowed_others: "&c✘ &7%player% is on creative mode."
Code (YAML):
prefix: "↖FCFly &8> " bad_usage_fly: "&c✘ &7Usa &c/fly <jugador> &7." bad_usage_tempfly: "&c✘ &7Usa &c/tempfly <jugador> <segundos>&7." bad_usage_on_off: "&c✘ &7Usa &c/fly <jugador> (on/off)&7." no_permission: "&c✘ &7No tienes permisos." unknown_player: "&c✘ &7El jugador &c%player% &7no está en línea." invalid_number: "&c✘ &7Inserta un número válido." temp_fly_success: "&a✔ &7El jugador &a%player% &7recibió %time% segundos de vuelo." temp_fly_message: "&7&7Vuelo �ff73activado &7por &a%time% segundos&7." temp_fly_warning_message: "&c&l! &7Tienes &c%time% &7segundos de vuelo restantes." temp_fly_finished: "&c&l! &7Tu tiempo de vuelo a terminado." fly_enabled: "&7Vuelo �ff73activado&7." fly_enabled_other: "&a✔ &7Modo de vuelo de %player% �ff73activado&7." fly_disabled: "&7Vuelo &#f74f4fdesactivado&7." fly_disabled_other: "&a &7Modo de vuelo de %player% &#f74f4fdesactivado&7." help_admin: -
" " -
"&9- &7/fly (jugador) (on/off)" -
"&9- &7/tempfly <jugador> <segundos>" -
"&9- &7/lightfly (reload/version)" -
" " reload: "&a✔ &7Config recargada." gamemode_not_allowed: "&c✘ &7No puedes usar esto en creativo." gamemode_not_allowed_others: "&c✘ &7%player% está en creativo."
Remember the plugin comes with the following translations (copy the exact string and put it in config.yml to generate the files):
es-es -> By me
en-en -> By me
zh_cn -> By snowCutieOwO
Suggest me anything! This is my first plugin so any suggestions are really appreciated