Add new feature called stopSprint. If you're an existing user of ModernKB, update your kb settings to this format or add new features.
Code (Text):
defaultProfile: default
knockbackHorizontal: 0.3
knockbackVertical: 0.3
knockbackVerticalLimit: 0.34
knockbackExtraHorizontal: 0.3
knockbackExtraVertical: 0.2
netheriteKnockbackResistance: true
knockbackNonPlayerEntities: true
stopSprint: false
cancelDraggingIn: players
projectileSpeedMultiplier: 1.0
combatCooldown: false
attackSpeed: 40
combatHitDelay: 20
knockbackHorizontal: 0.3
knockbackVertical: 0.3
knockbackVerticalLimit: 0.3
knockbackExtraHorizontal: 0.4
knockbackExtraVertical: 0.2
netheriteKnockbackResistance: false
knockbackNonPlayerEntities: true
stopSprint: true
cancelDraggingIn: mobs
projectileSpeedMultiplier: 1.2
combatCooldown: true
attackSpeed: 4
combatHitDelay: 15
Also I improved the handling of knockback. It's more optimized now.