NVus Prison GOLD icon

NVus Prison GOLD -----

No Longer Maintained!

Combo Update
  • Production push

  • Added additional checks to prevent items & armor from being overwritten in players inventories and instead moved when spawning in the prisoner armor and kits etc.
  • The items in the effected inventory and armor slots will attempt to move them to the players quickbar, main player inventory, their enderchest, in that order. If everything previously is full it will then just drop the items at the players feet. If any item is moved it will send a message to a player alerting them their items were moved.

  • Fully fixed the new /autosell and /sellall permission checks. They should fully work for all players with the new permissions now. It seemed autosell was the only bug as it would toggle autosell but wouldn't actually sell items because of an additional hardcoded permission check! Which led me to...
  • Redundant checks have been removed as they are no longer needed!

  • Added selling multiplier commands, meant to be used by admin/staff or via Voucher (InfiniteVouchers etc)
    Usage: /multiplier <player> <multiplier> <duration>
    i.e. //multiplier <player> 1.5 15m (1.5x selling multiplier for 15 minutes)
  • Added additional permissions for AutoSell and SellAll commands, meant to be given by players/groups that are not considered prisoners but you still want them to have the ability to easily sell items with /autosell and /sellall
    nvus.sellall && nvus.autosell
----------, Mar 31, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2
First Release: Mar 31, 2024
Last Update: Apr 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
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