Plugin State: Alpha
Current Features:
- PrisonerArmor : Equips orange leather armor to all prisoners. It also prevents prisoners from changing or equipping any other armor. (Can turn on/off)
- RestrictArmor : Restricts prisoners from removing or changing their armor at all. (Can turn on/off)
- Banned Items : Inside the banned_items.yml file you can specify items that are considered banned. Players will not be able to equip these items in their hands, cannot be used or transferred to storage. (Can turn on/off by removing items in the banned_items.yml list)
- AutoPickup - Will auto pickup any blocks a prisoner mines instead of dropping the resource on the ground. Help boost server performance! (Can turn on/off) Please fully test for any bugs/flaws with this feature before setting it to true on a live/populated server. We do checks if the player can break blocks in the area (check WorldGuard region if they can break blocks via: check if block-break is allowed for everyone, check if they're a member of the region, if they're an owner of the region or if they're an admin/have WorldGuard region bypass permission) but still please fully test this for issue and report back to me ASAP if any are found!
- AutoSwitch - When you define prisoner tools in the config.yml and if the prisoner has any of these tools in their quickbar/hotbar they will auto switch to the correct tool when mining. For example if they're mining stone and have their pickaxe equipped but they hit a dirt block the plugin will auto switch to the shovel! (Can turn on/off)
- TreeFarm - When active if players hit the bottom block of a tree it will auto destroy the entire tree and place a protected sapling at its base. Only admins (nvus.admin permission) can break saplings!
- Autosell - Allow prisoners to toggle autosell on/off for themselves with the /autosell command. (Can turn on/off)
- SellAll - Allow prisoners to manually sell all eligible items in their inventory, all at once! (Can turn on/off)
- Prisoner Gangs - Prisoners can create gangs with /gang create (need nvus.gang.create permission) Added a permission check for creating gangs just in case you don't want fresh newbies on the server to create gangs.
- Prisoner Rankup - Prisoners can use /rankup and /ranks to either purchase the next available rank or use /ranks to display all of the available ranks and their prices.
- MySQL/SQLite Support - For storing ALL the prisoner gang and rank information.
- Setting Prices - Allows admins to set the prices of materials for use with AutoSell and SellAll. (See Below) Requires nvus.admin permission!
- Selling Multiplier / Money Boosters - You can now via command give players a selling multiplier/money booster. Which can be used by other plugins as a reward ie InfiniteVouchers, CrazyEnvoy, CrazyCrates etc etc.
- Armor is craftable by prisoners. We felt this to be a cool roleplay element like allowing prisoners to craft and sell armor in the prison shops. Almost like the age old prisoners creating license plates! HAHA. If you don't like this you can always add various types of armor to the banned_items.yml file ie IRON_HELMET, DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE etc
- Please fully review the main config.yml file, once generated on your server. It explains most of the features and effects etc.
This is a premium plugin, however: I have provided the full source code on GitHub, as I believe in the open source community. I know things will only get better having this open source versus obfuscating the plugin and attempting to shut everyone out. Which will be futile anyway
If you cannot afford this plugin please do not use "BLACK/LEAK" sites. Just head over to the GitHub and download the source and compile it yourself using IntelliJ Community Edition. The Maven pom.xml file is included with the source as well so it should be pretty much "plug-and-play". If you have any issues reach out to us on our Discord. I'd rather you get the plugin from an official source than risk downloading it on a Black/Leak site and risk a back door, malware etc.
If you enjoy the plugin, even when obtaining it for "free" and you can afford to do so in the future: