[+] Now you can configure some messages in a new
lang.yml PLEASE CHANGE YOUR PERMISSIONS FROM geysermcwhitelist TO ultimatewhitelist if you are updating to 1.9
Code (YAML):
prefix: "#de9267&lᴜ#d88e65&lʟ#d28a64&lᴛ#cc8763&lɪ#c78362&lᴍ#c17f61&lᴀ#bb7c60&lᴛ#b5785f&lᴇ#b0745e&lᴡ#aa715d&lʜ#a46d5b&lɪ#9f695a&lᴛ#996659&lᴇ#936258&lʟ#8d5e57&lɪ#885b56&lѕ#825755&lᴛ#7c5354&l #775053&l»" no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command." commands:
reload: "&aThe configuration has been reloaded." add:
usage: "&cUsage: /uw add <player>" already-in-whitelist: "&cThis player is already in the whitelist." success: "&aThe player has been added to the whitelist." remove:
usage: "&cUsage: /uw remove <player>" not-in-whitelist: "&cThis player is not in the whitelist." success: "&aThe player has been removed from the whitelist." on: "&aThe whitelist has been enabled." off: "&aThe whitelist has been disabled." type:
usage: "&cUsage: /uw type <java/bedrock/hybrid/permission>" success: "&aThe whitelist is now set to &e%type%&a." status:
on: "&aON" off: "&cOFF" success: "&aThe whitelist is currently &e%status%&a." help: -
"%prefix% &7- Help" -
"&8/uw reload &7- &fReloads the plugin's configuration" -
"&8/uw add <player> &7- &fAdds a player to the whitelist" -
"&8/uw remove <player> &7- &fRemoves a player from the whitelist" -
"&8/uw list &7- &fShows the whitelist" -
"&8/uw on &7- &fTurns on the whitelist" -
"&8/uw off &7- &fTurns off the whitelist" -
"&8/uw type &7- &fSwitch the whitelist type between java, bedrock, permission or hybrid" -
"&8/uw status &7- &fShows the status of the whitelist" -
"&8/uw reload &7- &fReloads the plugin's configuration" -
"&8/uw version &7- &fShows the plugin's version"
You can customize the messages to your liking, plus you will receive messages if there are plugin updates when the server starts.