[+] Just some bug fixes about the lang
commands.on and commands.off path changed to commands.turn-on and commands.turn-off, the same with commands.status.on/commands.status.off, modify it to commands.status.is-on/commands.status.is-off
[+] Now you can configure some messages in a new
lang.yml PLEASE CHANGE YOUR PERMISSIONS FROM geysermcwhitelist TO ultimatewhitelist if you are updating to 1.9
Code (YAML):
prefix: "#de9267&lᴜ#d88e65&lʟ#d28a64&lᴛ#cc8763&lɪ#c78362&lᴍ#c17f61&lᴀ#bb7c60&lᴛ#b5785f&lᴇ#b0745e&lᴡ#aa715d&lʜ#a46d5b&lɪ#9f695a&lᴛ#996659&lᴇ#936258&lʟ#8d5e57&lɪ#885b56&lѕ#825755&lᴛ#7c5354&l #775053&l»" no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command." commands:
reload: "&aThe configuration has been reloaded." add:
usage: "&cUsage: /uw add <player>" already-in-whitelist: "&cThis player is already in the whitelist." success: "&aThe player has been added to the whitelist." remove:
usage: "&cUsage: /uw remove <player>" not-in-whitelist: "&cThis player is not in the whitelist." success: "&aThe player has been removed from the whitelist." on: "&aThe whitelist has been enabled." off: "&aThe whitelist has been disabled." type:
usage: "&cUsage: /uw type <java/bedrock/hybrid/permission>" success: "&aThe whitelist is now set to &e%type%&a." status:
on: "&aON" off: "&cOFF" success: "&aThe whitelist is currently &e%status%&a." help: -
"%prefix% &7- Help" -
"&8/uw reload &7- &fReloads the plugin's configuration" -
"&8/uw add <player> &7- &fAdds a player to the whitelist" -
"&8/uw remove <player> &7- &fRemoves a player from the whitelist" -
"&8/uw list &7- &fShows the whitelist" -
"&8/uw on &7- &fTurns on the whitelist" -
"&8/uw off &7- &fTurns off the whitelist" -
"&8/uw type &7- &fSwitch the whitelist type between java, bedrock, permission or hybrid" -
"&8/uw status &7- &fShows the status of the whitelist" -
"&8/uw reload &7- &fReloads the plugin's configuration" -
"&8/uw version &7- &fShows the plugin's version"
You can customize the messages to your liking, plus you will receive messages if there are plugin updates when the server starts.
We have implemented webhooks that appears if you add or remove someone in the whitelist, please if u were using 1.7 or before and if you want to use this feature just add this config part inside
discord section:
Code (YAML):
enabled: false
url: "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/yourwebhook" username: "UltimateWhitelist" avatarUrl: "https://i.imgur.com/yourimage.png" data:
name: '
%player_name%' iconUrl: https://mc-heads.net/avatar/
%player_name% description: '`
%player_name%` was added to the whitelist' color: 255,0,0
enabled: false
url: "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/yourwebhook" username: "UltimateWhitelist" avatarUrl: "https://i.imgur.com/yourimage.png" data:
name: '
%player_name%' iconUrl: https://mc-heads.net/avatar/
%player_name% description: '`
%player_name%` was removed from the whitelist' color: 255,0,0
[+] Now there's a new feature, Discord Webhooks have arrived! you can set them now in the config.yml to send cool embed messages
when the whitelist is on and a certain player can enter or not
[+] PlaceholderAPI support, softdepend
For now you can only enable discord webhooks through the config.yml soon from ingame
Code (YAML):
type: "hybrid"# "java": to whitelist java users, "bedrock": to whitelist bedrock users, "hybrid": to whitelist both java and bedrock users, "permission": to whitelist users with a permission enabled: false
kick-message: -
"&cYou are not whitelisted on this server!" -
"&cPlease join our discord to get whitelisted!" - "&9Discord: discord.gg/yourdiscord
" - "&eOr visit our website
: yourwebsite.com
" discord: failed: enabled: false webhook: url: "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/yourwebhook
" username: "UltimateWhitelist
" avatarUrl: "https://i.imgur.com/yourimage.png
" data: embeds: 1: author: name: '%player_name%' iconUrl: https://mc-heads.net/avatar/%player_name% description: 'A player that is not whitelisted is trying to join: `%player_name%`' color: 255,0,0 success: enabled: false webhook: url: "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/yourwebhook
" username: "UltimateWhitelist
" avatarUrl: "https://i.imgur.com/yourimage.png
" data: embeds: 1: author: name: '%player_name%' iconUrl: https://mc-heads.net/avatar/%player_name% fields: 1: name: "UUID
" value: "%player_uuid%" inline: true
name: "Server" value: "%server_name%" inline: true
name: "Connected Players" value: "`%server_online%/%server_max_players%`" inline: true
description: 'A whitelisted player is joining the server
: `
%player_name%`' color: "0,255,0" whitelist: []