DiscordBridge ⭕ Account Linking, Events, Tickets ✅ Chat - 1.21 Support icon

DiscordBridge ⭕ Account Linking, Events, Tickets ✅ Chat - 1.21 Support -----

Account Linking, Events, Tickets, Chat, Lands Text and Voice

Version: 1.4.18
9 hours spent trying to get this plugin to work. I just needed to sync chat between Discord and Paper servers. All configuration cases have been tested during all these hours. The only support I received told me to "follow closely the setup tutorial"... Very poor support.

Version: 1.4.17
This plugin is by far the best way to sync your network to Discord. It is simple, easy to set up, and much better than alternatives. Plus the developer is active with fixing bugs and adding features. If you have been looking for a sync solution, this plugin is the right one for you!
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 1.3.12
Probably the best and most up-to-date way to connect Minecraft networks with discord.

The only thing stopping me from replacing all other systems with this one is that it was still missing a very important, albeit simple, feature;
rank sync / managing users roles in discord based on permission nodes in Minecraft.

Of course there is always something to improve with systems of this type, but that's because it is hardly possible to code a system that can do everything, especially with discords ever changing API. Rank sync is just so essential that I didn't believe it's not already possible until looking through everything multiple times.

Hope this will be added soon, as I'd love use this as a standalone solution. Thank you for the great work! <3
Author's response
Thank you. That is already being worked on.

Version: 1.3.6
The Plugin Allow the Command /config only with Administrator Permissions in Discord

not good for servers where devs have no admin
Author's response
You can give permissions via the integrations tab in your server's settings.

Version: 1.3.6
Bad buy!
I set everything up according to the wiki, but unfortunately nothing happens (/config doesn't exist).

Version: 1.2.2
This is a top notch plugin for Discord syncing. It's lightweight, has much better proxy support (Redis <3) compared to DiscordSRV, and the Lands/Events/Tickets integrations are slick. Thank you for the great plugin!!
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 1.0.4
Still a fairly basic plugin, but everything that is there is much more well done than plugins like DiscordSRV! Developer is very attentive and active + the lands integration is very nice.
Author's response
Thank you! We'll for sure expand on the amount of features. :)

Version: 1.0.3
Incredibly beneficial plugin which is resource light, whilst offering a great deal of functionality and customisation.
Author's response
Thank you!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 173
First Release: Feb 23, 2024
Last Update: Feb 11, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
Find more info at discordbridge.incredibleplugins.com...
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