DiscordBridge ⭕ Account Linking, Events, Tickets ✅ Chat - 1.21 Support
Account Linking, Events, Tickets, Chat, Lands Text and Voice
+ Added: Option to forward bot messages as well (chat.yml)
# Also forward messages from other bots?
bots: false
- Fixed: Redis message forwarding
DiscordBridge now requires Java 21.
+ Added server-name.yml for better Redis management
- Fixed: Loading of ticket types without any ticket fields
- Fixed: Player related events should have player name as username
- Fixed: Require category parameter for ticket upsert cmd
- Fixed: HierarchyException ignore
- Fixed: Unknown member error handle
- Fixed: Unknown member error handle
- Fixed: Redis shutdown error while awaiting status publish
- Fixed: Kick player is account unlinked and force link to join is enabled
- Fixed: MySQL error deleting ticket field
+ Added: {player} placeholder to head provider
- Fixed: MySQL error closing ticket etc.
- Fixed: Unlink error
- Fixed: Add roles, dont replace
- Fixed: PAPI placeholders color
+ Changed: Renamed /config type update to /config type upsert
+ Added: [Tickets] You can now set a short name and a category for each ticket type
- Fixed: Chat module format (discord -> mc)
- Fixed: Config command set text channel
- Fixed: Order of SQL table creations
- Fixed: Player message payload
+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now use PlaceholderAPI placeholders for chat format
Code (Text):
# You can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders for the message format.
# If you need the player's UUID, use {player_uuid}.
format: "&8[&9Discord&8]&7 {player} &8»&f {message}"
+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now setup rewards for linking account
Code (Text):
# Reward an in-game player, if they link their account.
# Reward an in-game player, if they link their account.
# You can here add commands that are executed by the console when a player links his account.
# These commands are only executed once for a linked player. If they unlink their account and later
# link it again, they won't be executed another time.
# Available placeholders:
# {player} - the player name
# {player_uuid} - UUID of the player
# {discord_id} - Discord ID of the player
If you have Lands installed, make sure to update it as well to the latest version.
- Fixed: Error with latest Lands API
- Fixed: Sync player to channels upon verification (lands module)
- Fixed: Discord bot connection sometimes not re-established
+ Changed: Access to commands can now be limited in the integration settings tab of your server
- Fixed: Failing to forward lands ingame chat, if bot does not have admin perm
- Fixed: Message not found: general.chat-channel
- Fixed: Remove color codes for chat messages
- Fixed: Enabling default link module
- Fixed: lands channel delete message not exist
- Fixed: Lands broadcast categories
+ Added: Option to blacklist broadcast categories for Lands
Code (YAML):
# Prevent specific categories from being sent to the lands broadcast channel.
# Available categories can be found here: https://javadoc.jitpack.io/com/github/angeschossen/LandsAPI/7.8.5/javadoc/me/angeschossen/lands/api/events/BroadcastEvent.html
# NOTE: If the broadcast messages are already disabled in Lands, they won't be sent for DiscordBridge either.
# This just allows you to disable broadcast messages for Discord, while keeping them enabled ingame.
+ Added: Redis support for lands broadcast messages
- Fixed: Link usage embed
+ Added: Better looking embeds for lands broadcasts
Make sure to update Lands to latest as well, if you have Lands installed.
+ Added: [Suggestion] Option to forward Discord message to all other Discord servers:
Code (YAML):
# Forward messages from one Discord server to all other Discord servers that have a chat channel set?
# If you only want messages from Minecraft to be sent to all Discord servers, you don't need that option to be enabled.
: false
- Fixed: Player heads for chat and lands module
- Fixed: Error at /discordbridge help
- Fixed: Tickets table creation
- Fixed: Ticket module init
- Fixed: /lands channel create - unknown interaction
- Fixed: Linked account name displaying ID instead of discord username
+ Added: Support for 1.20.5
Once updating to this version, you won't be able to downgrade. Also, the lands_channels, and guilds SQL table have been changed. You need to manually reset/drop them before updating. This version is only compatible with Lands 7.0.6.
+ Added:
multipaper support
- Fixed: Sending chat messages from Discord to MC and vice versa sometimes broken
- Fixed: Update notification
- Fixed: Saving config values and lands channels to DB
- Fixed: SuperVanish integration
+ Added: [Suggestion] Send fake login/logout messages if player vanishes. Supports: CMI, SuperVanish, PremiumVanish
+ Added: [Suggestion] Send message if player tries to chat from discord to minecraft and hasn't linked their accounts
+ Added: SuperVanish support
+ Added: [Suggestion] Don't display events for players that are vanished
- Fixed: Linking role not being given
+ Added: Linking module now works across multiple servers properly
- Fixed: MySQL init error
+ Added: [Suggestion] sync name feature for linking.yml module
Code (YAML):
# Sets the users nickname in the Discord server to the name of the linked Minecraft account.
# This also works for offline players. It might take up to a few hours until the name updates.
: false
- Fixed: Error on sending webhook
+ Added: [Suggestion] Server stopped and started messages
Code (YAML):
"Server {server} is now online."
"Server {server} is now offline."
+ Improved: Sending webhook messages faster
+ Improved: Less rate limits for webhooks
- Fixed: Don't send advancements with no description and title
+ Added: [Suggestion] Option to only allow linked players to join:
Code (YAML):
# Should players that don't have their account linked, be kicked upon join or unlinking their account?
# The kick reason will include instruction on how they can link their account.
# NOTE: Make sure invite-url is configured in config.yml.
# NOTE: Changing this option requires server reload / restart.
: false
+ Added: Option new module: events.yml
Code (YAML):
# Send player join messages to Discord?
# Requires /config set event_channel to be executed in the Discord server.
: true
# Send player leave messages to Discord?
# Requires /config set event_channel to be executed in the Discord server.
: true
# Send deaths to Discord?
# Only sent when the death reason is included in this list.
# Setting this to an empty list, disables this option.
# The entry "*" represents all death reasons.
# Available reasons can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.html
- '*'
# Send advancements of players to Discord?
# Define a list of advancements that should be forwarded to Discord.
# Setting this to an empty list, disables this option.
# The entry "*" represents all advancements.
# You can find a list of available advancements by tab completing the following command in your Minecraft server: /advancement grant @s only
- '*'
# NOTE: Changing this option requires server reload / restart.
- '1h'
- '12h'
- '1d'
- '5d'
- '8d'
- '15d'
- '30d'
+ Added: Limit who can link accounts by adding /config set LINK_REQUIRED_ROLE
+ Added: GUI menu: /discord account
+ Added: Option to change head provider -config.yml:
Code (YAML):
# Lets you define the provider to be used for retrieving skins for chat messages in Discord.
# Relevant to the following modules: chat, lands
: 'https://mc-heads.net/avatar/
+ Added: Redis authentication for non-local redis instances
Code (YAML):
# Optional: Used to forward information to the instance of DiscordBridge that runs the Discord bot.
: false
: true
: 6379
+ Added: Send player join and leave messages to discord - chat.yml:
Code (YAML):
# Send messages to Discord at specific events.
# Send player join messages to Discord?
# Requires /config set event_channel to be executed in the Discord server.
: true
# Send player leave messages to Discord?
# Requires /config set event_channel to be executed in the Discord server.
: true
+ Added: Use Webhooks for chat messages
+ Added: Avatar to chat messages