sCheckPlayer - ✅Plugin that allows checking players for cheats!✅ icon

sCheckPlayer - ✅Plugin that allows checking players for cheats!✅ -----

cheat, cheats, проверка, читы, чит, проверка на читы, 1.16.5, 1.21, плагин, plugin, check, защита




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Execution of commands when a player leaves the server.
Execution of commands when checking a player starts.
Execution of commands when a player confesses to using cheats.
Execution of commands when a player is declared innocent.
Execution of commands when a player's time runs out.
Messages to bossbar.
Action bar messages.
Messages on the screen.
Clickable messages.
Logging of commands.
Setting up sounds.
Possibility to prohibit breaking or placing blocks (etc).
Ability to specify a list of allowed commands.
Protection from calling a player for verification.
Ability to teleport a player to the command executor.
Ability to teleport a player to their previous location before teleportation.
Ability to disable command arguments.
Automatic check for new plugin version.
RGB color support &#123456

✔And much more!

Plugin placeholders.png

%scheckplayer_on_check% - Displays the current player being checked.
%scheckplayer_on_check_Nickname% - Displays the specified player on check.
%scheckplayer_checks_count% - Displays the number of times the player has been checked.
%scheckplayer_finished_checks_count% - Displays the number of times the player was found not guilty during verification.
%scheckplayer_confirm_checks_count% - Displays the number of times a player was banned for cheating during verification.

Plugin commands.png
/scheck - Main command.
/scheck start [nickname] - Call a player for a check.
/scheck stop - Declare a player clean in the check.
/scheck confess - Confess to using cheats.
/scheck reload - Reload all files.
/scheck list - View all players currently under check.
/scheck confirm - Confirm that the player has cheats.
/scheck stopall - Stop checking for all players.
/scheck timer continue - Start a timer for the player.
/scheck timer stop - Stop the player's timer.
/scheck timer add [time] - Extend timer for player.
/scheck timer set [time] - Set a timer for a player.
/scheck version - Check the new version of the plugin.
/scheck offline --remove - Removes a player who is on offline check.
/scheck offline --info - Allows you to view the player who is on offline check.
/scheck offline --start [nickname] - Allows the use of verification in offline mode.
/scheck info [nickname] - View information about a player under review.
/scheck knockback [nickname] - Checking a player for anti-kickbacks.
/scheck spec [nickname] - Tracking a player.
/scheck troll [nickname] crash - Crash Crash the player.
/scheck troll [nickname] invclear - Invclear Clear the player's inventory.
/scheck troll [nickname] pumpkin - Pumpkin Put a pumpkin on the player's head.
/scheck troll [nickname] randomtp - Randomtp Randomly teleport the player.
/scheck troll [nickname] rotatemouse - Rotatemouse Randomly rotate the player's mouse.
/scheck troll [nickname] spam - Spam Spam the player's chat.
/scheck troll [nickname] launch - Launch Launch the player into the sky.
/scheck troll [nickname] down - Down Push the player underground.
/scheck troll [nickname] nearby - Nearby Teleport the player to a random player nearby.
/scheck troll [nickname] invdirt - Invdirt Replace the player's entire inventory with dirt.
/scheck troll [nickname] apple - Apple Give the player a deadly apple.

Plugin permissions.png
scheckplayer.start - Call a player for a check.
scheckplayer.stop - Declare a player clean in the check.
scheckplayer.confess - Confess to using cheats.
scheckplayer.reload - Reload all files.
scheckplayer.list - View all players currently under check.
scheckplayer.confirm - Confirm that the player has cheats.
scheckplayer.stopall - Stop checking for all players.
scheckplayer.timer - /scheck timer
scheckplayer.timer.continue - Start a timer for the player.
scheckplayer.timer.stop - Stop the player's timer.
scheckplayer.timer.add - Extend timer for player.
scheckplayer.timer.set - Set a timer for a player.
scheckplayer.version - Check the new version of the plugin.
scheckplayer.bypass - Protection against calling a player for verification.
scheckplayer.joinviewnewversion - Get the new version of the plugin when you log in.
scheckplayer.autoviewnewversion - Get the new plugin version automatically.
scheckplayer.afkremoveclick - Allows you to remove a player from AFK checking.
scheckplayer.bypassblockingcommandsinitiator - Allows the initiator to bypass blocked commands.
scheckplayer.bypassblockingcommandstarget - Allows the player to bypass blocked commands.
scheckplayer.offline /scheck offline
scheckplayer.offline.remove - Removes a player who is on offline check. - Allows you to view the player who is on offline check.
scheckplayer.offline.start - Allows the use of verification in offline mode.
scheckplayer.notifyadmin.chatinitiator - Sends a message to admins when the initiator types in chat.
scheckplayer.notifyadmin.chatplayer - Sends a message to admins when a player types in chat.
scheckplayer.notifyadmin.confess - Sends a message to admins when a player confesses to using cheats.
scheckplayer.notifyadmin.confirm - Sends a message to admins when the initiator confirms a player is using cheats.
scheckplayer.notifyadmin.start - Sends a message to admins when a check starts.
scheckplayer.notifyadmin.stopall - Sends a message to admins when the check is stopped for all players.
scheckplayer.notifyadmin.stop - Sends a message to admins when the check is stopped for a player.
scheckplayer.notifyadmin.timeradd - Sends a message to admins when a timer is added for a player.
scheckplayer.notifyadmin.timercontinue - Sends a message to admins when a timer is resumed for a player.
scheckplayer.notifyadmin.timerset - Sends a message to admins when a timer is set for a player.
scheckplayer.notifyadmin.timerstop - Sends a message to admins when a timer is stopped for a player.
scheckplayer.notifyadmin.* - Sends all of the above messages to admins.
scheckplayer.bypass.limit.timerset - Allows you to bypass the time setting limit.
scheckplayer.bypass.limit.timeradd - Allows you to bypass the time addition limit. - View information about a player under review.
scheckplayer.knockback - Checking a player for anti-kickbacks.
scheckplayer.spec - Tracking a player.
scheckplayer.troll.crash - Crash Crash the player.
scheckplayer.troll.invclear - Invclear Clear the player's inventory.
scheckplayer.troll.pumpkin - Pumpkin Put a pumpkin on the player's head.
scheckplayer.troll.randomtp - Randomtp Randomly teleport the player.
scheckplayer.troll.rotatemouse - Rotatemouse Randomly rotate the player's mouse.
scheckplayer.troll.spam - Spam Spam the player's chat.
scheckplayer.troll.launch - Launch Launch the player into the sky.
scheckplayer.troll.down - Down Push the player underground.
scheckplayer.troll.nearby - Nearby Teleport the player to a random player nearby.
scheckplayer.troll.invdirt - Invdirt Replace the player's entire inventory with dirt. - Apple Give the player a deadly apple.

bStats - sCheckPlayer

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,446
First Release: Jan 14, 2024
Last Update: Feb 18, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings