Damage Indicator & Healthbar ⭕[1.21✅] icon

Damage Indicator & Healthbar ⭕[1.21✅] -----

Adds visual flying damage indicators for every damage type.

An innovative way to display damage done!
Whenever any mob is hurt in any way, the damage dealt will 'fly out' of the mob in a random direction. The color is based on the source of the damage, default as follows:
  • MAGIC (magic)
  • MELEE (attack, sweep, thorns)
  • POISON (poison)
  • FIRE (fire, fire tick, lava, hot floor)
  • RANGED (projectile)
  • OTHER (everything else)
Update 02/05/2024: the config now contains every single damage type as a one-to-one relation with a color config key; all types can be found here: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Damage
Update the colors as you wish by editing the config.yml!

Entities will have a healthbar above them or displayed as their custom name, devided in sections: (prefix + alive/maxHP + suffix)
The colors and styles of all these sections can be modified in the config, but are by default:
  • Percentage alive (0, 255, 0)
  • Percentage unalived (100, 100, 100)
You can also modify the character used to create the healthbar, and the text decorators: strikethrough, bold & underlined for each section.
  • To apply decorations, use &b &u &i &o &s &r
    for bold, underlined, italic, obfuscated, strikethrough or a RESET respectively.

View attachment 819626

You can now also replace the custom names with holograms, which allows for more customization (positioning).

Put the plugin in your plugins folder and restart your server.

Plug & play :)
As specified above, you can change configurations in the yml!
To reload the config without rebooting, use:
/config (required: damageindicator.reload)

Remove stuck holograms around you with:
/araremove (required: damageindicator.arearemove)
Help - Support - ...
Please do not create a review to request help.. just DM me, either here or on Discord (stealingdapenta) ☺

hp bar prefix suffix hologram.png


  • Q: what if a hidden armor stand with a number-name gets stuck?
    A: They're taken care of. Just unload & reload the chunk.
    You can also use the command /arearemove .​
  • Q: Can you make this plugin compatible with 1.18.2?
    A: I'm sorry but I have no plans at this time to make it compatible with older versions.​
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,543
First Release: Nov 18, 2023
Last Update: Jan 16, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings