Prestige Command: Added a new /lifesteal prestige command which allows players to access a Prestige Menu.
Prestige Menu GUI
Info Book: A book item that provides detailed information about the prestige system, including the maximum hearts without prestiging and the new maximum achievable hearts with prestige.
Confirm Prestige: A lime shulker box item that allows players to confirm their prestige. The cost and reward for prestiging are clearly displayed.
Dynamic Messaging and Configuration Integration
Dynamic Hearts Information: The info book in the GUI dynamically updates to display the player's current maximum hearts.
Configurable Max Hearts: The maximum hearts achievable without prestige and with prestige are now configurable via maxHearts and maxPrestigeHearts in the config file.
Cost Update in GUI: The cost of prestiging dynamically updates based on the player's current maximum hearts.
Prestige Mechanics
Heart Deduction and Max Health Reset: Upon prestiging, the player's GENERIC_MAX_HEALTH is set to 10 hearts regardless of their previous health. This ensures a grind-based progression system.
Incremental Heart Costs: Each prestige level has an incremental heart cost. For example:
From 20 to 21 hearts costs 10 hearts.
From 21 to 22 hearts costs 11 hearts.
The cost continues to increase by 1 heart for each additional level.
Validation Checks
Prestige Eligibility Check: Ensures players have enough hearts to prestige. If a player does not meet the required hearts, they receive a message indicating the insufficiency.
Max Hearts Override: The plugin overrides the default max hearts (set in config) to allow for the increased max hearts through prestige.
Recipe Configuration Fixes
Custom Heart Item: The CUSTOM_HEART used in crafting recipes has been correctly referenced using the actual custom heart item created within the plugin, resolving previous errors.
Bug Fixes
Duplicate Recipe Error: Fixed an issue where duplicate recipes were being registered, causing startup errors.
Invalid Material Handling: Addressed an issue where invalid materials in the revive beacon recipe configuration caused errors.