Official LifestealReborn Server:
Introducing LifestealReborn, a unique health and revival system plugin for your Spigot server! This plugin brings a new twist to the game by allowing players to manage their hearts, craft custom items, and even revive fallen players! Take your server to the next level with this innovative plugin!
Custom heart item to increase player health.
Custom revive beacon to revive fallen players.
Crafting recipes for custom heart and revive beacon.
Configurable minimum and maximum hearts.
Commands to manage hearts, revive players, and more.
Permissions support for fine-grained control.
Configurable absorption hearts are granted to players with low max health to help them survive more easily. The plugin periodically updates the absorption hearts every 10 seconds (configurable) based on the player's current max health. This feature assists players with low health in staying alive and provides a more balanced gameplay experience.
Prestige system to allow players to increase their maximum heart capacity.
Combat logging mechanics to penalize players who disconnect during combat by reducing their hearts and sending a customizable combat log message.
Revive mechanics ensure players respawn with the correct amount of hearts and start in a "dead" state to prevent immediate respawning issues.
/ls withdraw <amount> - Withdraw hearts from your health pool.
/ls revive <player> - Revive a fallen player.
/ls give [revive/heart] <player> <amount> - Give a player custom hearts.
/ls eliminate <player> - Eliminate a player from the game.
/ls check <player> - Check a player's health.
/ls reload - Reload the plugin's configuration.
/ls recipe [heart|beacon] - Show the crafting recipe for custom items.
/ls set <player> <amount> - Sets a player's hearts to a set amount.
/ls prestige - Allows the player to pay hearts to prestige and increase the max number of hearts.
Code (YAML):
# The maximum number of hearts a player can have. maxHearts: 20
# The minimum number of hearts a player can have. Players will only get banned if this is set to 0, otherwise they'll stop losing hearts. minHearts: 0
# The default number of hearts a player gets revived with. defaultHearts: 20
# The default number of hearts max amount of prestige hearts. maxPrestigeHearts: 40
# 60 minutes by default ban_duration: 60
# Material used for the custom heart item. customHeart:
# Custom revive beacon configuration. revive: # Material used for the revive beacon. material: BEACON
# Custom heart crafting recipe configuration. heartRecipe:
recipe: # Crafting grid shape for the custom heart. shape: - GDG
# Crafting grid ingredients for the custom heart. ingredients:
# What time (in seconds) should players be in combat combat_time: 15
# If there should be a glowing effect (true/false) glowing: true
# If the messages should be sent (true/false) send_messages: true
absorption: # The number of server ticks between each update of the absorption hearts for players. # 20 ticks equal 1 second, so 200 ticks equals 10 seconds. update_interval: 200
# Health thresholds for adding absorption hearts. # The keys (one_heart, two_hearts, three_hearts) are just labels for easier understanding. # Change all of these to 0 if you want to disable this feature health_thresholds:
one_heart: 1
# If the player's max health is less than or equal to 1 heart, they will get the "one_heart" amount of absorption hearts. two_hearts: 2
# If the player's max health is less than or equal to 2 hearts, they will get the "two_hearts" amount of absorption hearts. three_hearts: 3
# If the player's max health is less than or equal to 3 hearts, they will get the "three_hearts" amount of absorption hearts. four_hearts: 4
# If the player's max health is less than or equal to 4 hearts, they will get the "four_hearts" amount of absorption hearts. five_hearts: 5
# If the player's max health is less than or equal to 5 hearts, they will get the "five_hearts" amount of absorption hearts. # The number of absorption hearts given based on the health thresholds. absorption_amounts:
one_heart: 5
# Players within the "one_heart" threshold will receive 5 absorption hearts. two_hearts: 4
# Players within the "two_hearts" threshold will receive 4 absorption hearts. three_hearts: 3
# Players within the "three_hearts" threshold will receive 3 absorption hearts. four_hearts: 2
# Players within the "four_hearts" threshold will receive 2 absorption hearts. five_hearts: 1
# Players within the "five_hearts" threshold will receive 1 absorption heart.
lifesteal.use - Allows you to use the /lifesteal command.
lifesteal.withdraw - Allows you to withdraw hearts.
lifesteal.revive - Allows the use of the /ls revive command.
lifesteal.give - Allows the use of the command /ls give.
lifesteal.eliminate - Allows the use of the command /ls eliminate to instantly "ban" players, meaning they will need revived.
lifesteal.check - Allows checking player health.
lifesteal.reload - Allows reloading the plugin configuration/messages/ban list.
lifesteal.set - Allows the player to use the /ls set command.
lifesteal.prestige - Allows the player to use the /ls prestige command.
Simply drop the LifestealReborn.jar file into your plugins folder and restart your server. Configuration files will be generated automatically. Modify the configuration files to your liking, and you're good to go!
For any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please join our discord channel
Take a look at our
wiki to learn everything about this resource!
Join the LifestealReborn revolution and give your players a unique survival experience! Download now and enjoy the benefits of this fantastic plugin!