Better Smithing icon

Better Smithing -----

Upgrade your tools with better smithing tables

Version: 1.3
I love this, it works great with no issues, does exactly what it says. I changed stone to cobblestone in the config because it made more sense but that was really easy to do anyway.

It's gonna show up in one of my Minecraft Manhunt videos in the future.
Author's response
That's awesome to hear! Glad the plugin worked smoothly for you. Looking forward to see your videos. Send me the link.

Version: 1.3
Good work,all my amor and weapon skill still working after Upgrade! NICE!! I so glad that this bukkit still upgrading!

Version: 1.2
Hello, this is a very interesting plugin, really great. It saves us from having to throw away low-level tools with good charm. But I do have one suggestion, hopefully it will add chainmail to the crafting, assuming they will be made of leather armor and chains, as this will save the player time to find them during survival. That's great!

Version: 1.2
Hello, I have a suggestion, does your plugin support itemsader, if it supports its items, then this is definitely a very good plugin, I will promote it to more people the website in China.

Version: 1.2
Very perfect, excellent plugin, works perfectly in 1.19.2

Version: 1.0
This is a great plugin, but I recommend only canceling the wooden sword to upgrade the stone sword, the stone sword to upgrade the iron sword, I recommend that only the gold sword upgrade the iron sword, the iron sword upgrade the diamond sword, and the diamond sword upgrade the next alloy sword. Cancel the rest and hopefully adopt it so that your plugin will be downloaded
Author's response
Thank you for your feedback. Please, see version 1.2 :D

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 835
First Release: Jan 30, 2023
Last Update: Jul 24, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings