Better Sculk icon

Better Sculk -----

Make Sculk an active threat in your world!

Reworks + 1.21 Support
A new version of Sculk Invasion is out with lots of reworks, support for 1.21, and bug fixes!

Sculk Spreading
Previously, Sculk spreading from a Catalyst would do so in a perfectly circular manner and would spread through blocks despite there being no connections. Now, it's smarter but more balanced!
- Sculk now doesn't spread all at once but quickly block by block
- Sculk veins now surround new Sculk blocks created
- Sculk bubble particles appear sometimes when Sculk blocks are created
- Sculk blocks now check to see if they can spread to the next block, otherwise they wont
- This means you can now create walls around an area to prevent Sculk from entering whereas previously it would just go through the walls

Sculk Evolution
Sculk Evolution was very unbalanced so it's been tweaked to take longer and be more fun.
- Sculk infected mobs no longer explode on death
- Sculk infected creepers no longer leave potion clouds on death
- Sculk evolution progressing takes way longer now

- Config now shows comments (I suggest you delete your config file to let it regenerate)
- Loottable system has been internally rewritten to be way more optimized and clean
- Fixed misspelling of "additionals" in config

New Config Settings
- wardenTakesFireDamage (default false)
- infectionCanSpreadToFarmAnimals (default false)
----------, Sep 30, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,348
First Release: Jan 30, 2023
Last Update: Oct 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings