Better Sculk icon

Better Sculk -----

Make Sculk an active threat in your world!

Version: 2.1
add flag to worldguard please, for example: better-sculk-spread
allow server admin to allow or deny when a mob died and sculk catalyst growth

Version: 2.0
The whole idea and how the plugin works is just amazing. It just feels like it should have been like this the whole time...

The particles and how you see the thing progressing and becoming more infected is really nice, very well done guys and thanks for the resource!
Author's response
thank you very much, glad you like the resource a lot!

Version: 1.9
Good ideas like this are rare. My players love it, why didn't Mojang think of this?
Author's response
Thank you very much, glad you like it! :)

Version: 1.81
Amazing plugin, sadly no option to disable it in specified worlds

Further the plugin acts amazing, it does its job and gives survival / else a more challenge.

Version: 1.81
It doesn't work on purpur 1.19.4

When I put in the server and run it says api 1.20 not supported
Although I am running on software purpur 1.19.4
Author's response
Version 1.6 is the last version supporting 1.19 API, everything after is switched to 1.20, sorry!

Version: 1.8
I always wanted to give some touch of "spooky" and "corrupted" to one of my overworld worlds, and now I can finally can! This plugin is a fundamental part of my survival server experience.
Author's response
Thank you, glad you like it!!

Version: 1.6
Great plugin! I hope it finds its worthy popularity, as the idea is excellent .
Author's response
thank you! :)

Version: 1.5
This looks amazing and works well, I don't wanna introduce it into my friends server out of fear of bases being messed with, does it support region protection through World Guard?
Author's response
not currently, i might look into world guard compatibility but for now youll have to change the rules in config, sorry!

Version: 1.5
Very nice update! Must have of any survival server! .

Version: 1.4
Wow i really looked it from Warden release! I hope its plugin be updated, and got new features
Author's response
thank you very much! i will be implementing a lot of new features in v1.5 :)

Version: 1.4
This is actually such a cool plugin, what a great idea. Thanks for this. I was hoping you could possibly implement a way to change the particle that displays for infected mobs? I think the current effect looks a little odd. Thanks in advance if this is possible.
Author's response
thank you! ill look into being able to change the particle and will release it asap!

Version: 1.3
Good plugin for making survival more difficult! :3
Author's response
thank you for the review! :)

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,347
First Release: Jan 30, 2023
Last Update: Oct 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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