Unlimited currencies, the fastest economy solution on the market, proxy-wide economy

Version: 4.3.20
A very good plugin. If there are any issues, I suggest going to Discord to privately message the author. The person is very nice and there's a great opportunity for communication.
Author's response
you're very kind

Version: 4.3.19
not bad. but its not usable for most servers. just because conflict with commands names. almost all servers use two economies: 1 for donate(coins or credits) and 2 for regular economy in $. donate economy is global for servers behind proxy. regular economies are diff on each server behind proxy. so if we put this plugin to proxy, then popular and common commands like Balance, Pay,... will be conflicted with 2nd economy CMI, Essentials,... so this plugin can not be used for regular economy and donate economy together. solutions is very simple, rename commands for this plugin: /rbalance /rpay.
Author's response
I think you're talking of another plugin...
RedisEconomy is not a proxy plugin, but it uses Redis or plugin messages to communicate between spigot servers

Version: 4.3.16
Great plugin! It was quite challenging to convert for Minecraft 1.8 and Java 8, but it was worth it!
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 4.3.8
Could you please provide support as `decimalFormat: '#.##'` does not apply to the %amount% part of the message that appears when sending money?

Version: 4.3.7c
Maintained, updated, well developed + active and responsive developer - can you ask for more?

Version: 4.3.7c
Is there a way to withdraw coins
có cách nào rút coins ko tôi cần điều đó
hoặc dùng cách nào để chừ tiền ng chơi khi mua đồ

Version: 4.3.5
a process of optimism and quality solutions.

good and fast support

thank you RedisEconomy

Version: 4.3.5
It is not compatible with any plugin, although it seems compatible at first, it constantly creates a problem, it always creates a separate dupe and always creates errors on multi servers, I can not use it with certainty and mess up your server, especially if you are in a large project. wish you good developments.
Author's response
It is compatible with all the plugins supporting Vault.
No one that is using RedisEconomy right now reported me that kind of issue and I know some guys that have pretty big servers. Please contact me on Discord (unnm3d is my tag) or open a GitHub issue.

Version: 4.3.5
Is that possible to make a BossShopPro's Price & Reward Type support?
It's a great plugin for UI & Shop plugin!

The plugin is great, I used to write a multi-currency plugin by my own, and your plugin is much greater, I love it.
Author's response
what do you mean?
BossShopPro already supports Vault and so Rediseco too.
Please tell me more on Discord (tag: unnm3d)

Version: 4.2.3
This is the best plugin for cross-server economy without any mysql :) :) :) :) :)

Version: 4.2.3

Version: 3.4.4
The plugin is great, but you need support for hex colors, follow a modern design.
Author's response
there is already support for hex color:
please tell me your idea of formatting design on discord (Unnm3d#6063)
thank you for the support

Version: 3.4.1
the database connection part is quite hard to reach. I can't use it, please fix it
Author's response
what do you mean?
What do I have to fix? Contact me on discord: Unnm3d#6063
i know redis is hard to figure out but it's the root of the plugin.
i won't change the storage/cache method to a relational database because the plugin would be slower and less efficient

Version: 1.0.1
Thank you for making this plugin!

Version: 1.0
I would like to give you a suggestion: Add multipliers x2,x3,x4,x5
I mean it would be better if you make it infinite multiplier or limited to a certain number example x10, also if you do that but exclusive for the different multiple currencys.
I mean example I have 3 types of currencys on my server well I can set multipliers for each of them
Author's response
what do you mean? contact me on Discord -> Unnm3d#6063

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,403
First Release: Oct 28, 2022
Last Update: Yesterday at 5:59 PM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
12 ratings
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