Added /last-transactions command, to see the last 5 transaction of the player who executes the command.
Useful for normal players that do not have access to the browse-transaction command.
Minuscule optimization: lua scripts for transaction registration have been minified
New relative placeholders
%rel_rediseco_is_pay_blocking% - "true" if the player1 is blocking player2
%rel_rediseco_is_pay_blocked% - "true" if player2 is blocking player1
New callBlacklist entry by default for paper packages
Check my new plugin RedisTrade
Enhanced registerCalls feature
"Fractional digits" Vault method was returning the wrong number
%balance_short% for /balance and /baltop commands to display a short version of the amount
Remove unbound uuids with /purge-balance
More verbose on cloud sync warnings
Cleaned up jar packages
Fixes related to max balance receive
Fixed pay permission
Added per-player max balance (useful for "mana systems" and similar)
Configurable with
/balance username currencyName set-max <amount>
(It is a cross-server feature of course)
Fixed errors when upgrading RedisEconomy from ancient versions
No config or data structure maintenance is required
Removed a get that was being launched synchronously from 4.3.15
Better timeout handling in updateAccountCloudCache
Added configurable pool size
Added expandpool command to adjust the redis pool size at runtime
host: localhost
port: 6379
poolSize: 5
tryAgainCount: 3
new settings have been added, regenerate the redis section or add these 2 parameters
Got rid of the serverId UUID.
Now it is randomly generated and NOT configurable.
Placeholder update time changed to 5 seconds
Now you can use percentages for payments!!!
/pay alex20 10% , for example, you will send 10% of your balance to alex20
The same for
/balance <target> vault give 10% command but now The calculation is executed on the target balance
You need
allowPercentagePayments: true to use percentages
Added a message when a player executes /pay * and there isn't any player to pay
New german language file de-DE
New command
/pay * <amount> to send money to all players on your server
(you need rediseconomy.payall permission)
Removed serverId retrieval from Bungeecord
Placeholders have been renovated
Removed serverID retrieval from Bungeecord
new placeholders
Changed currency settings
Please regenerate currencies section inside config.yml
Added max balance
Make transaction saving optional (save space on Redis)
Fixed desynchronization issue
Fixed migration: moved to enable instead of load
Updated all dependencies
Java 17
Dropped support for 1.16
Fixed issue with unicodes inside config.yml
Fixed error with /baltop command
added cooldown and minimum amount for payments inside config.yml
Fixed bug with TransactionEvent triggered synchronously
Fixed bug with player joining and TransactionEvent
Changed FoliaLib to UniversalScheduler
Folia support
New API methods and events
Currency settings now have taxOnlyPay parameter.
if you enable that you will have tax charge only on /pay command
You may regenerate "
currencies:" section
Currency settings now have taxOnlyPay parameter.
if you enable that you will have tax charge only on /pay command
You may regenerate "
currencies:" section
Please update the plugin to the latest version
Removed annoying warn.
Only in debug mode now
Now you can see who is calling RedisEconomy methods.
Just set registerCalls on true in config.yml
Calls to RedisEconomy will be saved inside transactions
Fixed bug with locked accounts
There was a bug that had saved many playernames on Redis composed by uuid-Unknown.
Nothing serious
Now it is fixed.
If you have hanging uuid-Unknown on Redis do
Code (Text):
/purge-balance (.{36}-Unknown) onlyNameUUID
to delete them
Do not use default credentials.
Put your own redis URI from YOUR Redis server!!
Wrong lettuce version inside plugin.yml
Updated dependencies
Added /archive-transactions command
Fixed probable loss of performance (minuscule)
Removed /purge-transactions command
Now the plugin is plug&play.
You don't need to setup redis on first load!
But be careful!! If you use default credentials your data will be shared with other users of RedisEconomy and your data wouldn't be persistent.
Change your credentials if you are using RedisEconomy in production!
Added decimalFormat and language tag in currency configuration section.
That section is now:
- currencyName: vault
currencySingle: euro
currencyPlural: euros
decimalFormat: '#.##'
languageTag: 'en-US'
startingBalance: 0.0
payTax: 0.0
bankEnabled: true
Regenerate config.yml to have decimalFormat and languageTag or simply add them manually
Balancetop now supports all currencies
new syntax:
/baltop <page> <currency>
Added placeholders for prefixes, suffixes and positions of baltop players
- %rediseco_top_1_playerprefix_<currency>%
- %rediseco_top_1_playersuffix_<currency>%
- %rediseco_top_position_<currency>% - Shows which position the player is in in the baltop
Configure default currency name.
Now you can configure the default currency name (previously it was forced to "vault")
To rename your default currency:
- Create a new currency under
currencies section
- Set that currency name on
- Use switch-currency command to move all the accounts to the new currency
Fixed migration issues.
Moved migration after 5 secs after enable
Updated lettuce core to 6.2.3
Added toggle-payments command
Removed redisURI in favour of a redis settings section
because of special characters that were invalidating the URI (and no-one knows how to use escape chars)
Added cluster id in config
New command!
/purge-transactions <player> <before_timestamp>
RedisEconomy wasn't saving account creations on the exchange
Made WebUI url configurable.
Clearer error messages
Baltop placeholders name and balance
More info
Removed unused config param
New Bank API, javadoc documents
Transaction API is now freed from UUID constraints
Fixed some minor message issues and NPE in commands
You shouldn't regenerate config or loose transactions when updating
Specify how many chars are needed for a command autocompletion
for performance tuning with tens of thousands of player records
Fixed a possible rare issue with tabcompleting (i cannot reproduce it)
Fixed misleading errors
Removed unnecessary resource
Now you can backup the entire economy in a comfy file with backup-economy.
To restore the system from a backup file use restore-economy.
You can also send money to all online players with "*" and the specific permission
Fixed some very minor bug
now you can edit messages with /rediseconomy editmessage <configField>
Then open the website, do your editing and click "Save".
And finally paste the copied command to the console/chat and execute it
I also updated some translations
Added some other language entries
Still looking for translators (contact me on Discord: Unnm3d#6063)!!!!!
Transactions system renewed:
/transaction has been renamed to /browse-transactions
/transaction is a brand new command now.
You can revert a transaction with /transaction <username> <transaction-id> revert
You need to backup your current config and load the new configs.
Added support for multiple language file.
I am looking for translators (contact me on Discord: Unnm3d#6063)!!
Now all the main keys of the config file are commented.
As always report any bug on github (new issue)
You may have to delete rediseco:transactions from your redis server with:
- redis-cli on your Redis server machine
- del rediseco:transactions on the opened console
Now transaction-item key in the config has a completely different format and it supports some new placeholders:
- %account-owner% - the owner of the analyzed account
- %other-account% - a possible other player that partecipate in the transaction
- %amount% - the amount exchanged
- %symbol% - the symbol of the currency
changed balance placeholders.
added shorthand version of the balance and the relative configurations
Read the Overview page for usage
- Added purge-balance command (purges player data totally)
- Typo in redis-uri (reload the config when upgrading)
- Now you can reload the plugin with a plugin manager (not recommended) without any problem
- Updated lettuce-core to 6.2.2.RELEASE (latest)
- More info in the link above
- Added a forced timeout for redis connections under redis-connection-timeout to avoid rare connection leaks
As always report any bug here
executable size reduced by 90%: libraries are now downloaded at runtime.
changed redis core library from the crappy EzRedisLib to Lettuce (thread-safe).
debug gives more informations.
conditional commands on balance take.
Useful when making GUIs with plugins and check if the player has the necessary funds
automatic server-id detection
telemetry system
debug messages can be enabled in config.yml
added more plugins for migration
general refactoring
fix permissions
Added support for spigot 1.16+
Fixed little bug when migrating
Added migration from previous Vault plugin.
Just set migration-enabled: true