TNT-Tag icon

TNT-Tag -----

A funny TNT-Tag minigame for your server!

Version: 9.3
It is a plugin that is quite easy to configure. The big problem is that this latest version is defective. For me, when I die, the counter of living players does not go down, meaning that the one who is in spectator mode continues to count the game and it never ends until the last player explodes and no one wins. I tried to enter Discord but the link has expired and to report on the page it does not let me register, it tells me that all my emails and users are registered, but apart from that it is a good plugin, that is why 4 stars.

Version: 9.3
The best TNT Tag plugin out there! Great configuration, easy to setup & the developer provides very good support in the Discord server.

A well deserved 5 stars!

Version: 9.1
Plugin is awesome but you should add a scoreboard for players. Please do it on next update :)
Author's response
Thanks for the kind review, scoreboards are planned!

Version: 9.1
This is a great plugin, works well, no bugs. But there is no support for version 1.8...

Version: 9.1
The plugin is OK. When there are more plugins, there are bugs with them, which is a minus of this plugin. There are a few errors. I hope that it will be constantly developed - bugs will be fixed and new functions will be introduced. I recommend this plugin for private use, but not for public servers with a lot of other plugins.
Author's response
Hey there,

While I value feedback, simply expressing frustration about bugs in reviews doesn't lead to solutions – it only leads to demotivation. Instead, let's use that effort for something constructive: reporting the issues! We have an issue tracker specifically designed for this purpose. Surprisingly, I haven't come across any of your reported issues there or in our Discord community. Currently, the plugin is operating smoothly without any known bugs, thanks to extensive testing by numerous users.

Furthermore, it's worth noting that you haven't provided any error messages, stack traces, or even a list of plugins that might be causing the issues. This information would greatly aid in troubleshooting and resolving the problem effectively. Please do so in the Discord or on the issue tracker.

If you're experiencing difficulties, please join our Discord server, open a post in the support channel, and I'll do my utmost to assist you. Let's collaborate to find solutions rather than resorting to negative ratings for issues that could potentially be resolved with some troubleshooting.

Additionally, if you have suggestions for new features, please feel free to suggest them and leave a positive review. Negative reviews only serve to demotivate me from implementing your ideas.

Looking forward to addressing any concerns you may have.

Best regards,

Version: 9.1
amazing!! i really love it how easy its to use, the best plugin for tnt tag so far!
Author's response
Hey, thanks for your awesome review!

Version: 9.0
Of course rating 5 stars! Can't wait for 9.1! Keep it up my broda
Everthing is five stars, Support, comunication betwen dev and users and constant updating!
Author's response
Hey, thanks for the nice review!

I'll release 9.1 soon, it's almost ready. Don't hesitate to leave some good suggestions and/or feedback when it's released :)


Version: 7.1
no funciona correctamente en la version 1.19.4

al tener la tnt en la mano por unos segundos, hace que no puedas transferir la tnt al golpear a alguien. intento golpear a alguien con la tnt y no pasa nada, sigo teniendo la tnt
Author's response
Hola, lamento saber que tiene problemas con TNT-Tag.
Te agradecería mucho que solicitaras ayuda en el área de debate o en discord.

Este problema es causado por otros plugins o spawn protection, no es debido a TNT-Tag.

Por favor, pruebe sin otros plugins y establezca spawn-protection a 0 en su, entonces el problema se resolverá.

Por favor, cambie su comentario tan pronto como se resuelva y de nuevo: los comentarios no son para el apoyo.

Saludos cordiales,

Hello, sorry to hear that you are experiencing problems with TNT-Tag.
I would really appreciate it if you ask for support in the discussion area or on discord.

This problem is caused by other plugins or spawn protection, it is not due to TNT-Tag.

Please test without other plugins and set spawn-protection to 0 in your, then the problem will be solved.

Please change your review as soon as it is solved and again: reviews are not for support.

Kind regards,

Version: 6.7
This is a great plugin i love all of the feature and would recommend to any server the only thing that would be nice as an addition is command blocking when in game so you dont have to use WG cmd blocking.

TLDR: great plugin good for any server and only minor bugs
Author's response
Hello, many thanks for your kind review!
Please post that suggestion on and it will probably be added soon.

Also please report bugs, even minor ones.
Contact me on discord using JasperTheDev#5662 or start a spigot conversation with all the details so I can fix it.

Version: 6.7
Its good But The Latest Update Bypasses World Gaurd And Now All My Players Can Punch Each Other In The Lobbys And World Protected Areas
The Update I Am Running That Does Not Cause The Error Is 5.4
Author's response
Hello, please note that the reviews are not for support.
What this review is stating, is false.
TNT-Tag effectively blocks players from doing damage to each other, it doesn't bypass WG. You're on a old version anyway so I suggest updating.

Hope you consider changing your review when it's fixed and please do not hesitate to contact me on discord or in the discussion area and I'll help!

Version: 6.3
This is such a fun game and a great plugin! Easy to use and you can find some really cool maps for it. So much fun.
Author's response
Hello, thanks for your kind review!
Really appreciate it, do not hestitate to leave some nice suggestions to make it even better!

Version: 6.2
where can i install the maps?tell me pls i will chaange review after you tell me
Author's response
Dude, what are you trying to adchieve?
Put some effort into your server and search them up yourself.
This is in no way related to my plugin.
Consider removing that review, have a good day.

Version: 5.8
the plugin is perfect but i need it in 1.8. Is there a 1.8 or Legacy version please?
Author's response
Hello, thanks for your review! The plugin currently only supports 1.13+ so it can use modern mechanics to make it even better! There should be some 1.8 versions, I recommend searching in the versions tab, it's the version before I dropped 1.8-1.12 support.

Version: 3.9
as I said before, I have a minigames server, and I needed a place so that I could set it up as a waiting lobby, and the lobby to access a match, unfortunately, there are already 2 updates that were not placed what I asked! the plugin itself works, however it is very difficult for someone who is a minigames server creator to put the plugin, because there is no way to set a waiting lobby so that he can be teleported to the beginning... for example, when the game ends, the player is teleported to the supposed lobby where the waiting one would be, and not where the lobby would be to choose whether to play again
Author's response
Dude, the review section is NOT the place to get support.
I can't implement everything instantly and you don't even respond to my previous answer so you probably don't even want to get it implemented.
Don't think that you'll get it done by rating my resource with 2 stars.
Open it on and answer in the discussion area.

Version: 3.3
the plugin is very good, however, it enables other commands in addition to his commands, for example, my server is a minigame, it has the exit item, but on my server there is /lobby, when using it, the guy remains in the minigame even leaving the world... ///
another problem is, it only has 1 setlobby, that is, we have 2 lobbies, the one for the minigames, and the one for the game, if I set the game lobby, it doesn't go back to the center lobby... when it loses, then, stop To solve this problem I would need to set the lobby in the minigame lobbies, but I just wanted it to be on the way out, and not on the way in the minigame... I don't know if you understand me, I need a setlobby on the way in and a setlobby on the way out.. . and that the plugin does not allow commands other than its own
Author's response
Hey, thanks for your review!
For the first one, I don't overwrite commands at all, the only command is /tnttag or /tt.
You need to execute /tnttag leave as the player when they execute the lobby command.
However, I can add it as a feature that you leave the game automatically when you go to another world.
Please suggest it on and I'll look into it.
For the second one, you need a waiting lobby and a exit lobby, right?
Please discuss this further in the discussion area, this is only for reviews :)

Version: 2.4
Great minigame for various arcade servers including modern solutions! It deserves even more!
Author's response
Hey there, I'm glad that you are enjoying the plugin!
Thanks for your review :)

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,831
First Release: Oct 18, 2022
Last Update: Dec 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
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