When using this update you are able to install ProtocolLib into our server to add a Networking Feature!
Adding ProtocolLib will make you able to monitor packets sent per second, data transfer speeds, incoming packets and much more.
All monitored at runtime and available from the
new placeholders!
systeminfo_packet_count_sent_total: Total number of packets sent over the network.
systeminfo_packet_count_recv_total: Total number of packets received over the network.
systeminfo_packet_data_sent_total: Total amount of data (in a formatted manner) sent over the network.
systeminfo_packet_data_recv_total: Total amount of data (in a formatted manner) received over the network.
systeminfo_packet_count_sent_now: Number of packets sent per second at the current moment.
systeminfo_packet_count_recv_now: Number of packets received per second at the current moment.
systeminfo_packet_data_sent_now: Amount of data (in a formatted manner) sent per second at the current moment.
systeminfo_packet_data_recv_now: Amount of data (in a formatted manner) received per second at the current moment.
systeminfo_cpu-model: Model and name of the CPU.
systeminfo_cpu-frequency: Maximum frequency of the CPU.
systeminfo_cpu-temperature: Current temperature of the CPU.
systeminfo_cpu-load: Last CPU load percentage.
systeminfo_swap-max: Maximum swap memory available.
systeminfo_swap-used: Used swap memory.
systeminfo_memory-max: Maximum available memory.
systeminfo_memory-available: Currently available memory.
systeminfo_memory-used: Used memory.
systeminfo_processes: Number of running processes.
These placeholders provide various system-related information such as network statistics, CPU details, memory usage, and swap memory usage. They can be used to dynamically display system information on your resource page based on the current system state