☄️ SystemInfo Hardware Monitor ⚙️ Enterprise Quality icon

☄️ SystemInfo Hardware Monitor ⚙️ Enterprise Quality -----

The master of hardware information!

Version: 1.8.10-SNAPSHOT
SystemInfo or the best plugin to get information about what characteristics your server has. This plugin is obviously not necessary for everyone, as many hosts write their characteristics at once (CPU, RAM), but this plugin will be very useful for those who do not know what characteristics the hosting uses. Of course, there are other plugins that allow you to find out only the CPU, but SystemInfo has much more functionality, for example: speedtest, disk or video card information (if the server is on a local PC). All in all, this plugin is good.

But it's worth considering that the plugin has some problems related to command arguments, if you enter a command without an argument, you just get an empty message, with no response from the server. SystemInfo has no way to determine what your server is loading, it just shows you what hardware your server is running on, there is no way to benchmark (speedtest is an exception).

You can use Spark if you want to identify a load problem on your server, for example to see the disk load on your host (if you are hosting), but Spark has less functionality in terms of internet, cores, CPU frequency and internet speed, so SystemInfo is good in conjunction with Spark.

I can wish the plugin developer good luck =D

Version: 1.8.7-SNAPSHOT
Many updates and improved plugins are greatly appreciated Can you add a placeholder to mark the cpu load rate for the suggested feature?
Author's response
Hi. I will consider adding this placeholder in the following updates!

Version: 1.7.1
Thank you for your quick error clam response and kind follo -up support
It's sad that there are very few plugins of this kind, but only this plug-in provides these features
Author's response
Thanks for the kind review.
I look further to improve this plugin every month!

Version: 1.7.0
im useing now 1.20.4 server but some function not work and with warn msg
[13:53:31 ERROR]: [SystemInfo] SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
[13:53:31 ERROR]: [SystemInfo] SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
[13:53:31 ERROR]: [SystemInfo] SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.

[13:54:51 INFO]: «« Cpu info »»
[13:54:51 INFO]: Operating System: Windows Microsoft 11
[13:54:51 INFO]: Cpu Vendor: GenuineIntel
[13:54:51 INFO]: Cpu Model: 151 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-12900K
[13:54:51 WARN]: Unexpected exception while parsing console command "lscpu"
org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing 'lscpu' in top.cmarco.systeminfo.i.G(lscpu)
at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:178) ~[purpur-api-1.20.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R3.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:1013) ~[purpur-1.20.4.jar:git-Purpur-2141]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R3.CraftServer.dispatchServerCommand(CraftServer.java:998) ~[purpur-1.20.4.jar:git-Purpur-2141]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.handleConsoleInputs(DedicatedServer.java:541) ~[purpur-1.20.4.jar:git-Purpur-2141]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.tickChildren(DedicatedServer.java:488) ~[purpur-1.20.4.jar:git-Purpur-2141]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickServer(MinecraftServer.java:1548) ~[purpur-1.20.4.jar:git-Purpur-2141]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer(MinecraftServer.java:1236) ~[purpur-1.20.4.jar:git-Purpur-2141]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(MinecraftServer.java:323) ~[purpur-1.20.4.jar:git-Purpur-2141]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1583) ~[?:?]
Caused by: java.lang.Error: Structure.getFieldOrder() on class top.cmarco.systeminfo.plugin.K.s.i.N.K$_N returns names ([currentIdleState, currentMhz, maxIdleState, maxMhz, mhzLimit, number]) which do not match declared field names ([Է, Ջ, 薮, 踃, 鰄, ﷸ])
at com.sun.jna.Structure.getFields(Structure.java:1122) ~[jna-5.13.0.jar:5.13.0 (b0)]
at com.sun.jna.Structure.deriveLayout(Structure.java:1265) ~[jna-5.13.0.jar:5.13.0 (b0)]
at com.sun.jna.Structure.calculateSize(Structure.java:1192) ~[jna-5.13.0.jar:5.13.0 (b0)]
at com.sun.jna.Structure.calculateSize(Structure.java:1144) ~[jna-5.13.0.jar:5.13.0 (b0)]
at com.sun.jna.Structure.allocateMemory(Structure.java:426) ~[jna-5.13.0.jar:5.13.0 (b0)]
at com.sun.jna.Structure.<init>(Structure.java:216) ~[jna-5.13.0.jar:5.13.0 (b0)]
at com.sun.jna.Structure.<init>(Structure.java:204) ~[jna-5.13.0.jar:5.13.0 (b0)]
at com.sun.jna.Structure.<init>(Structure.java:191) ~[jna-5.13.0.jar:5.13.0 (b0)]
at com.sun.jna.Structure.<init>(Structure.java:183) ~[jna-5.13.0.jar:5.13.0 (b0)]
at top.cmarco.systeminfo.plugin.K.s.i.N.K$_N.<init>(Unknown Source) ~[SystemInfo-1.7.0.jar:?]
at top.cmarco.systeminfo.plugin.K.Z.i.N.K.綽(Unknown Source) ~[SystemInfo-1.7.0.jar:?]
at top.cmarco.systeminfo.plugin.K.Z.i.N.K.灮(Unknown Source) ~[SystemInfo-1.7.0.jar:?]
at top.cmarco.systeminfo.plugin.K.K.c$1.get(Unknown Source) ~[SystemInfo-1.7.0.jar:?]
at top.cmarco.systeminfo.plugin.K.Z.K.J.渹(Unknown Source) ~[SystemInfo-1.7.0.jar:?]
at top.cmarco.systeminfo.s.i.먇(Unknown Source) ~[SystemInfo-1.7.0.jar:?]
at top.cmarco.systeminfo.i.G.摝(Unknown Source) ~[SystemInfo-1.7.0.jar:?]
at top.cmarco.systeminfo.i.G.execute(Unknown Source) ~[SystemInfo-1.7.0.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:168) ~[purpur-api-1.20.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
... 8 more

Version: 1.6.4
Good plugin! I using my server and i love it! Usefule, quality plugin, very premium!
Author's response
Thank you for your purchase. Feel free to contact me in private messages for update requests or bugs!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 31
First Release: Oct 28, 2022
Last Update: Aug 27, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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