Force Resourcepacks icon

Force Resourcepacks -----

[1.8-1.21.4] Send resourcepacks globally/per server/world. Execute actions! Spigot, Bungee&Velocity

1.6.0 - Pack formats, permissions and AuthMe
  • Added an option to set the format of the pack as 1.9 introduced a new one with the version 2.
    Players with 1.8 will get packs with version 1/no version and players that connect with 1.9 get version 2 if available.
    The defined pack and then the secondary list is used to resolve which pack a player gets from the top to bottom.
    There is also a new status to react on called WRONG_VERSION which gets called when no pack is found to send to a player because of his client's version.
    To resolve the player's version under Bukkit you need to have ViaVersion installed!
  • Added option to restrict a pack so that only players with the permission to use it will get it send. You can also set your own permission if you want.
    There is also a new status to react on called NO_PERMISSION which gets called when no pack is found to send to a player because of his permissions.
Example on how the new pack config options could be integrated:
Code (Text):
    hash: abcdef012345678abcdef012345678abcdef0123
    format: 2
    restricted: true
    permission: forceresourcepacks.pack.lobbypack
  • /usepack without any arguments now lists all the packs a player has access to via the /usepack command. You should add the new message config entries "packlisthead" and "nopacks" for that to not display an error on Bungee.
  • Experimental AuthMe Reloaded support. (If you want support for more authentication plugins contact me!)
    It tries to send the pack after a player logged in.
    If you want to use that on Bungee you have to run Force Resourcepacks on the Bukkit server too and set "authme" to true in the config.yml on the Bungee side.
  • Add explanation site on how to enable server resource packs. (Linked to via shortlink in the default config)
----------, May 2, 2016
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,951
First Release: Aug 6, 2015
Last Update: Dec 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
51 ratings
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