Force Resourcepacks icon

Force Resourcepacks -----

[1.8-1.21.4] Send resourcepacks globally/per server/world. Execute actions! Spigot, Bungee&Velocity

/frp reload [resend]
Reloads the config file; resends the packs to every online player if the 2nd argument is "resend"​
/frp generatehashes
Downloads the resource pack files and generates the sha1 hashes of them
/frp version
Shows the version of this plugin​
/frp pack <pack> [url|hash|uuid|version|format|restricted|permission]
Edit a value of a pack
/frp addpack <name> <url>
Add a new pack (check out if you need a server resource pack host)
/frp removepack <name>
Remove a pack
/frp getpacks [<player>]
Get the currently applied pack of a player
/frp getstoredpack [<player>]
Get the stored pack of a player (requires UUID for offline players)
/frp packusage <pack>
Get the applied and stored counts for a pack
/frp listassignments
List all server/world assignments
/frp deleteassignment <assignment>
Delete a certain server/world assignment
/frp globalassignment|assignment <assignment>
Show/edit values of a certain assignment or the global ones. Sub commands:
- info
- pack <pack>
- required true|false
- promptmessage <message>
- addoptionalpack <pack>
- removeoptionalpack <pack>
- regex <regex>
- senddelay <delay in ticks>
- addaction <status> <action> <value>
- removeaction <status> [<action>]
- addfirstjoinaction <status> <action> <value>
- removefirstjoinaction <status> [<action>]
- addpackaction <status> <action> <value>
- removepackaction <status> [<action>]
- addfirstjoinpackaction <status> <action> <value>
- removefirstjoinpackaction <status> [<action>]
List all packs that you can choose
/usepack <packname> [<playername>] [<temporary>]
Send a specific pack to yourself or another player, depending on the value of temporary it will only apply for this session or also re-apply on the next login. Values are true or false, omitting it will use the usepack-is-temporary config value (defaults to true)​
/resetpack [<playername>] [<temporary>]
Reset the pack of a player.​


forceresourcepacks.command - Access to the /frp command
forceresourcepacks.command.reload - Access to /frp reload
forceresourcepacks.command.generatehashes - Access to /frp generatehashes
forceresourcepacks.command.version - Access to /frp version

forceresourcepacks.command.usepack - Access to /usepack
forceresourcepacks.command.usepack.others - Send packs to other players via the /usepack command
forceresourcepacks.command.usepack.temporary- Select whether or not the selected pack is only temporary or should be stored and re-applied

forceresourcepacks.command.resetpack - Access to /resetpack
forceresourcepacks.command.resetpack.others - Reset the pack of other players
forceresourcepacks.command.resetpack.temporary - Reset whether or not the pack should only be temporary reset and not stored

forceresourcepacks.command.getpack - Access to /frp getpack
forceresourcepacks.command.getpack.others - Get the applied pack of other players

forceresourcepacks.command.getstoredpack - Access to /frp getstoredpack

forceresourcepacks.command.getstoredpack.others - Get the stored pack of other players

forceresourcepacks.command.packusage - Access to /frp packusage

forceresourcepacks.command.addpack - Access tpo /frp addpack
forceresourcepacks.command.pack - Access to /frp pack to edit packs

forceresourcepacks.command.assignment - Access to /frp assignment to add and edit server/world assignments
forceresourcepacks.command.deleteassignment - Access to /frp deleteassignment to delete a server/world assignment
forceresourcepacks.command.globalassignment - Access to /frp globalassignment to view and edit the global assignment

forceresourcepacks.pack.<packname> - Gives access to a pack via the /usepack command, you can define these permissions via the config.yml on per pack basis

forceresourcepacks.updatenotification - Get ingame update notifications

forceresourcepacks.bypass.required - Bypasses the "required" setting which will make 1.17+ clients unable to reject a download prompt
forceresourcepacks.bypass.<assignment>.required - Bypasses the "required" setting of a specific assignment

forceresourcepacks.bypass.<action> - Bypass a certain action for all statuses and assignments
forceresourcepacks.bypass.<status>.<action> - Bypass a certain action for a certain status in all assignments
forceresourcepacks.bypass.<assignment>.<action> - Bypass a certain action of a certain assignment for all statuses
forceresourcepacks.bypass.<assignment>.<status>.<action> - Bypass a certain action for a certain status of a certain assignment

Statuses you can react on

These are the pack statuses that you can react on in the config. The list is more or less in the order in which they occur when a pack gets send (some are alternatives of each other like accepted and declined) and some might not trigger once other status were called. (E.g. no_permission/wrong_version stops any later statuses or declined leads to loaded or failed not occuring)

No pack can be send to a player because all that would be available on that server are restricted and the player doesn't have the permissions he would need for that pack

No pack can be send because all packs that would be available on that server have a pack format that would be incompatible with the player's client version or the client has the wrong type (bedrock) and can't receive packs.

A request to download the server resource pack is send to the client. Run before anything shows up for the user.

The player chose "yes" on the download screen or has the server pack enabled for this server entry in his multiplayer list

The player chose "no" on the download screen or has the server pack disabled for this server entry in his multiplayer list


The player finished downloading the pack and the client applied it

The client failed to download the pack, e.g. when the pack url is wrong. Check the client's latest.log file for more details!

The client/player failed to react on the server resourcepack sent prompt in the amount of seconds set in the config at "prompttimeout"

If no extra actions for TIMEOUT are set the DECLINED actions are used

For 1.20.3+ clients:

The player finished downloading the pack

The URL provided wasn't valid

The client failed to (re)load the applied pack

The client decided to not do anything with the pack (e.g. the same version was applied already)

Actions you can run

All actions that send some kind of message or command support usage of ampersands (&) for color and formatting codes.
In all actions you can use %pack% to get the name of the pack and %player% for the name of the player!
You can also use lang:some.language.key in the action value to send messages from the language files in the player's language! (Even supported for sending to different servers if you have per-language servers) You can just add your own language key somewhere in the language files.

Sends a message to the player.

Send a title (multi-line strings don't work in titles, subtitles and action bar messages)

Send a subtitle (can be used with or without the title action)

Set the title's fade in timing (in ticks)

Set the title's stay timing (in ticks)

Set the title's fade out timing (in ticks)

Send a message in the action bar chat slot above the user's inventory bar (supported natively on Bungee and modern Spigot versions. For older versions use ActionBarAPI)

Kick the player from the proxy or the server with the value of this action as the kick message

Send the player to a specific server (Bungee version) or world (Bukkit version), the value of this action is the server's/world's name!

Execute a command as the console of the server or proxy that FRP is running on.
You can define multiple commands as a list or multiline string.

Execute a command as the player who reacted on the status.
ou can define multiple commands as a list or multiline string.
Please note that the player needs the permission to run the command and that the command is run on the server or proxy the plugin is run on! If you want to run commands on the Minecraft server either install FRP there too and configure it so that it reacts on the statuses there with the commands or use a separate plugin which can forward commands from the proxy to the Minecraft server.

WorldGuard Flags

If you install this plugin on Bukkit then you have access to the following WorldGuard flags:

String flags with the name of a configured pack as the value and will apply the pack as soon as the region is entered.

Boolean (allow/deny) flags. Default value is allow. You can bypass it with the same bypass permission as the normal entry and deny flags. If the entry-deny-message or exit-deny-message is set it will send it to the user.

Please note that the flags require at least WorldGuard 6.1.3!

PlaceholderAPI Placeholders

If you have this plugin on Bukkit then you have access to the following PlacerholderAPI placeholders:

%frp_pack% - Show the name of the pack(s) that is/are currently applied by the player's client
%frp_storedpack% - Show the name of the pack that the player has stored
%frp_pack_<pack>_online% - The amount of players online that have selected a certain pack
%frp_pack_<pack>_stored% - The amount of players total that have a certain pack stored
%frp_status% - The statuses of the packs of the player
%frp_status_<status>% - Whether the player has the status
%frp_status_<pack>_<status>% - Whether the player replied with a certain status on a pack


You can find the default configs for running the plugin on Bungee and Bukkit on gist!
They are slightly different, read this update note for information on how the Bukkit config differs from the Bungee one or just take a look at the default configs linked previously.

How to get the resource pack's sha1 file check sum via terminal/console:
Linux: sha1sum /path/to/
Windows: FCIV -sha1 path\to\
Mac OS: shasum /path/to/
(Please note that the path has to be on the local system, not the download url!)
(Plugin versions above 1.6.5 will try to generate the sha1 hashes automatically and include a /frp generatehashes command!)
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,951
First Release: Aug 6, 2015
Last Update: Dec 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
51 ratings
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Released: --------------------
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