Force Resourcepacks icon

Force Resourcepacks -----

[1.8-1.21.4] Send resourcepacks globally/per server/world. Execute actions! Spigot, Bungee&Velocity

1.12.0 - 1.20.3/4 support and multi packs!
  • This update adds support for 1.20.3/4 on BungeeCord and Spigot (Velocity will follow once their resource pack API is done)
  • Notable for networks: With 1.20.3+ clients the issue where the pack will get resent on every server switch is fixed!
  • Added the ability to specify the pack uuid. If it's not set it will be automatically be created based on the pack name.
  • Add ability to specify multiple global and per-world/server packs to be applied at the same time for 1.20.3/4 clients.
    This uses the new packs config option which can be added to both global or per-world/server assignments.
    Clients before 1.20.3 will apply only the first pack in that list so you need to use per-version pack variants if you want to support both!
  • On 1.20.3+ clients packs are now directly removed instead of using the empty pack.
  • Added support for the new 1.20.3+ resource pack statuses (only used when the player uses a 1.20.3+ client!):
    DOWNLOADED: The player finished downloading the pack
    INVALID_URL: The URL provided wasn't valid
    FAILED_TO_RELOAD: The client failed to (re)load the applied pack
    DISCARDED: The client decided to not do anything with the pack (e.g. the same version was applied already)
  • Added the ability to specify status actions per-pack with the new pack-actions and first-join-pack-actions config sections for the global and per-world/server assignments. (See the default config for more info)
    This can also be modified via commands:
    /frp [globalassignment|assignment <assignment>] ...
    addpackaction <status> <action> <value>
    removepackaction <status> [<action>]
    addfirstjoinpackaction <status> <action> <value>
    removefirstjoinpackaction <status> [<action>]

Please note that due to the large changes required to make multi-packs work there might be some issues! Please make sure to report those either on the issue tracker or on Discord!
----------, Dec 10, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,951
First Release: Aug 6, 2015
Last Update: Dec 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
51 ratings
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