GParticles icon

GParticles -----

An awesome cosmetics plugin with particles, trails and gadgets ! [1.7-latest]

Version: 6.1.0
Fully agree with TwoPointInfinity. Unfortunately it's a mess. I hoped, it would get better as GuillaumeVDN told that he would have more time by now with Update 1.20, but once again he's gone...
No working version, no support, no anwers, just nothing...

Version: 6.1.0
GuillaumeVDN has not replied on his discord server in over 2 months. Mod is outdated, doesnt work and he is unresponsive. The discord server is filled with spam messages from bots, the entire server is pretty dead.

Version: 6.1.0
doesnt work at all for 1.20.6
waiting for update, communicated with dev wasnt super easy, only through discord. I was only able to talk with a contributer who didnt have write permission for the mod. They told me not to use 1.20.6

Version: 6.1.0
The disco gadget will never stop playing music, you will have to reconnect, trails bug and the blocks stay there til you reconnect, when you reconnect the particles will stay at your log off position, but if those things get fixed it would be a very cool plugin

Version: 6.1.0
great plugin works in 1.20.1 except the gui doesnt work. really much too difficult to use without the gui it was a big reason i picked this mod.

Version: 6.0.0
Great plugin. I would recommend updating your wiki with all the needed/required permissions, as I had to do some digging in your discord for it. But other than that, highly recommend.

Version: 6.0.0
Why does the player prompt for entering /gp to open the menu does not have permission, but I don't see any permissions associated with this command in the wiki

Version: 6.0.0
Amazing, but how do I get rid of the cooldown?
(and the messages from it) Please

Version: 5.2.11
best plugin for particles, if you are looking for long term support you get it here! Would be cool if the plugin get placeholders in the future too :)

Version: 5.2.11
Hello, how do you add Mysql to your plugin? I've been working all afternoon. As long as the storage mode of gparticles plugin is changed to MySQL, gcorelegacy plugin will report crazy errors.

Version: 5.2.10

Can you add commands for can be active the particles with commands? maybe /gpartcile (nameparticle) (playername or x,y,z position) that way you can choose the place where you want that particles appears, maybe on a PLAYER or a PLACE, also it will be useful a command how /gparticle (namepartcile) off, this command it will be helpful for stop the specific particle on the world or player

Version: 5.2.8
Great Plugin! Works 85% on Thermos Servers 1.7.10 D: Incredible. Love it, just what I need.

Version: 5.2.5
This does exactly what it set out to do I use a few of your plugins on my server and plan to buy bettinggames soon and all of them are great 10/10

Version: 5.2.4
If block like stairs are with water it change their rotation and change water to air.

Version: 5.2.4
Excellent plugin !
Avec un auteur toujours disponible et réactif !
Un plugin à installer dans votre Lobby sans aucune hésitation.

Version: 5.2.3
Its an amazing plugin but you cant change the gui name :( -

Version: 5.2.1
Incredible plugin! Everyone on my server loves this plugin. One of the best cosmetics plugin out there!

Version: 5.1.8
Amazing plugin dude! It does what is says and i really like it, 5 stars for sure!! However, i have a question: why i can't change the "previous menu" (the redstone torch) in the traduction file? i mean, the traduction lign does not exist..?? Thank u!
Author's response
Glad you like it <3 a translation option will be added next patch !

Version: 5.1.1
Good Support Plugin! A lot of features plugin. the best particles plugin. You are great Job!
Author's response
Thanks :D

Version: 5.1.1
Good thing you did support so many versions! Great job!
Author's response

Version: 5.1.0
Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great! Great!
Author's response
thanks ! x)

Version: 5.0.0-BETA
Amazing particle/trail plugin + fits perfectly my server :)
Good job and keep it up
Author's response
Thanks <3

Version: 4.0.6
This plugin is works perfectly but how do i change the prefix and menu item, can you please help me?

Version: 4.0.5
I've been keeping an eye on this resource for a while. Amazing work on the latest update man! Keep up the great work! :D

Version: 4.0.0
particles seems to work. the trails arent working for me. nothings showing up. overall, seems like its good for the particles :/

Version: 3.02
ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg 1.7?==?=

Version: 3.02
Permissions does not work.

Version: 3.02
Lo que necesitaba ! Muchas gracias :D Tiene de todo y no es de esos que incluyen miles de cosas que a nadie le importan xD
Author's response
Thanks ! :D

Version: 3.02
(IGNORE THIS! i hate the 100 characters minimum...................................................)
Author's response
Thanks a lot ! :)

Version: 3.01
How to fix error 1.9 :
Can not see menu option. Use last version 1.9 build 20/3!
Author's response
Fixed error in 3.02. The options menu was removed in 3.0 version.

Version: 3.01
Good Plugin !
Use in my server !

Author's response
Thanks :)

Version: 3.0_FINAL
Hello! I love the plugin, but with the new update please add pets, more gadgets and morphs, just an idea, keep up the great work! :D <3
Author's response
It's planned ! :D

Version: 3.0 That's my Spanish tutorial. It's from a time ago, but I hope It's cool xd
Author's response
Thanks for your tutorial ! <3

Version: 2.8.5
I love it!!!! <3
Please add Bungeecord suport :D
One of the best plugins about particles!!!!!!!! ;D

Version: 2.8.1
Video Tutorial on the Plugin
Credits Video: (AbsintoJ/pParticles)
Author's response
Thanks you for this awesome tutorial ! I put it on the plugin page. :D

Version: 2.8.1
Please add MySQL for NetWork and It improves plugin that causes some lag

Author's response
Thanks you very much ! :D

For SQL, I'll maybe add it later.

Version: 2.7.13
Can you please add an option that manages UNLOCKED and LOCKED as well as the text "Price" all in all perfect plugin... :D

Version: 2.7.13
i can't use this, because the permissions don't works. only works if one have op :$

Version: 2.7.12
Good but for some reason -
doesn't allow users to open the GUI menu... :/
Author's response
I've updated the plugin. Please, next time, can you report bugs in the discussion area ?

Version: 2.7.12
wow nice plugin!

can you add? /pp give Player [particle]
can you add? /pp give Player [animation]
can you add? /pp give Player [gadget]
Author's response
Thanks you !

I don't know, you can do this with GroupManager or give credits...

Version: 2.7.11
Finally a good particle plugin and for free! Also, Gadgets are pretty cool. :)
Author's response
Thanks ! :D

Version: 2.7.11
Supérb! Merci bcp, ceci est plus le fun et plus chouette que tout les autres plugin de particules! Merci! :D (T'as m'aider avec des donation aussi xD)
Author's response
Merci ! :D

Version: 2.7.10
T'es un génie, j'aurais deux suggestion des montures et des disguises?
+ faut modifié le "price" en FR epic ! :)
Author's response
Un génie ? Merci ! :O
Pour le price, je l'ajoute à ma liste. Et pour les deux suggestions, c'est prévu, mais c'est pas pour tout de suite. :p

Version: 2.7.3
Great plugin! Tons and tons of fun particles and animations for my players to enjoy :D
Author's response
Thanks. :D

Version: 2.7.3
Add disable world Please

Version: 2.7.1
aaaaah, enfin mdr, bonne update!
Author's response
"Enfin" ? Dis donc, toi ! C'est pas facile ! x)

Version: 2.6
j'ai créer un compte juste pour toi ^^ super plugin je lutiliserai pour mon serv :)
Author's response
Nice ! Tu pourras m'envoyer l'IP ? ^^

Version: 2.6
Good plugin but your now giving it out for free when other people had to pay... Thanks.

Version: 2.6
The particles do not disappear when you leave the server
Please fix
Awesome plugin!!
Author's response
Fixed. :)

Version: 2.6
Dev api would be nice but good job on the plugin :)
Author's response
Thanks, i made maybe an API later. :)

Version: 2.6
Excellent plugin, marche très bien :)
Author's response
Super ! :)

Super plugin bravo à toi, juste un problème l'effet orbite fini par faire crash le joueur l'utilisant.
Author's response
Ah ? Euh... c'est quoi la config de ton serveur ?

Very nice plugin :P
Author's response
Thanks you. ^^

bon plugin, ca marche bien, mais ca peut lagger peut etre avec 20 joueurs par exemple ? sinon, super travail, tu pourrais metre des commande pour choisir l'animation sans linventaire ?
Author's response
Non, j'ai testé avec 30 joueurs, les TPS étaient autour de 20. :P Merci ! Je rajouterai certainement ces commandes.

Nice, do you consider open sourcing it?
Author's response
Maybe, i don't know.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 46,365
First Release: Jul 30, 2015
Last Update: Jul 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
53 ratings
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