· Add
Hex Color and
Gradient support(MC1.16.3+).For example: 򢰪, &[#AA22FF-#CC0000<Text>]
· fix the bug that the prefix doesn't change after reloading the config.
· You can
customize the format of the
drop_chance lore.
· Support
dynamic loading and unloading(using plugman etc)
· fix the bug that in MC1.12 version,the glowing_color of dragon cannot show properly.
· You can
format and
color of EnderDragon
· Now plugin is compatible with
MythicLib and
· Add
auto_respawn EnderDragon function.
· You can also
respawn a dragon with command '/ed respawn'(with the whole phase of respawn,including
initializing the end_crystal)
· You can forbid players using end crystal to respawn dragons,but
end_crystal can still be crafted or placed.
· You can
customize the
expansion speed and
potion of effect_cloud made by EnderDragon
· You can forbid players gathering dragon_breath with glass_bottle so that the effect_cloud made by EnderDragon will be troublesome for player.
· You can use '/ed update' to
update the most config,and find them in folder 'plugins/new'.
· You can
customize the
gui format completely!
For some compatibility problems, my plugin will not support MC1.11 and below. Thank you for choosing my plugin, but many function cannot run in low version.I'm sorry for that. In the end, this version updates about 80% code,and many configurations
have changed. I advise you test it in private server before installing it to your open server. Although I have test it many times, but maybe a small error in config will make big difference.