➢ Add new type of Challenge (Dye), if you want this challenge delete Challenges folder and restar the plugin or add this file at folder
TypeChallenge: 'DyerChallenge'
# How many points you want give at death?
Point: 1
# if you want a multiplier based on all players
Enabled: false
#Number you want reached for give the multiplier
Points: 1000
# Multiplier you want give when reached the number
Multiplier: 2
# For how many minutes you want give the multiplier?
Minutes: 10
# if you want a multiplier based on a single player
Enabled: false
# Number you want reached for give the multiplier
Points: 20
# Multiplier you want give when reached the number
Multiplier: 4
# For how many minutes you want give the multiplier?
Minutes: 2
# Title challenge
- '&8'
- '&8▉▉&b▉▉▉&8▉▉▉&b▉▉'
- '&8▉&b▉▉&8▉▉▉▉&b▉▉▉ &7Dye Challenge'
- '&b▉▉&6▉&8▉▉▉&b▉▉▉&8▉'
- '&b▉&8▉▉&6▉&8▉&b▉▉▉&8▉▉ &7Dye for receive points'
- '&b▉&8▉▉▉&6▉▉&b▉&8▉▉▉ &7(1 point for 1 death)'
- '&8▉▉▉▉&6▉▉&8▉▉▉▉ &7{hours} hours to the end of the challenge'
- '&8▉▉▉&6▉&8▉▉&6▉&8▉▉▉'
- '&8▉▉&6▉&8▉▉▉▉&6▉&8▉▉'
- '&8'
# Reward in blocks EX: IRON_INGOT:16 Type:Quantity
# Reward with command EX: [command]:give %player% TNT 1
- 'TNT:32'