VanillaChallenges icon

VanillaChallenges -----

Looking challenges for your server? Try Vanilla Challenges!

Version: 1.6
Great plugin, we've been using it for a long time without issue. The dev is really listening and reactive. thx for adding mysql support so quickly
Author's response
Thank you for the review <3

Version: 1.5
10/10 plugin if not much hesiate i would like towny support, its like lands in a way? like a town directed way ? or a increase towny bank in x percent. another i think would be good can be mythicmob and mmoitems are two good plugins
Author's response
Thank you very much for review and yes all it's possible but for make what you want i desire talk to you on discord with a ticket

Version: 1.1.4
I'm glad to see this plugin, but there are some questions I want to consult. I can't find the instruction that can be given to the collection box through config. Did you forget to add it? I am also glad to see that this plug-in is still being updated. I wish the author more inspiration to make it.
Author's response
Thank you very much for review and I have not forgotten the instructions for giving the chest, but simply when the challenge is active the plugin will give the chest when you enter in the server. If you need something more particular tell me and I'll be happy to implement it

Version: 1.1.2
This is a great resource for server owners looking to generate extra engagement within their communities by providing easy to complete 'vanilla style' minecraft challenges via the in-game chat screen.
By using commands, we were easily able to customise the rewards to suit our economy plugins as well as claim blocks for our grief prevention plugins.

This is a good dev and, importantly.. is quite good at responding to enquiries despite a busy rl schedule.

I can easily recommend this plugin.
Author's response
Thank you very much for the kind words and I hope I will always meet your needs :D

Version: 1.1
Can u add for this plugin to only work in such a world please?....................
Author's response
Thank you for review and yes, you want a generic world selection or for each challenge selct the worlds?

Version: 1.0.16
Nice plugin! Bruh! I would like you to add more variables so I can change the name of the challenge %vanillachallenges_displayname% something like this
TypeChallenge: 'BlockPlaceChallenge'.
DisplayName: '&bBBlock place challenge'.
Author's response
Thank you very much, i add this at TODO List and when i have a little both of time i add it :D.

Version: 1.0.12
Wow! Nice plugin ;), it has many features and works well. I recommend it to everybody.
Author's response
Thank you very much :D

Version: 1.0.12
it link Discord ?
itemcollector, Harvester not work
i can support it
Pls give me link your Discord
Author's response
Click on Ask Questions/ Get Support button below the latest Version Informations

Version: 1.0.9
Very good plug-in, but it seems that winning can only give items. If it is to execute instructions, it will be better!
Author's response
# Reward in blocks EX: IRON_INGOT:16 (Type:Quantity)
# Reward with command EX: [command]:give %player% TURTLE_HELMET 1
- '[command]:give %player% TURTLE_HELMET 1'

This is an example in BlockPlacer.yml file, duplicate it and enjoy

Version: 1.0.4
good plug ,can use money for reward to set in config?
im so srroy for my english,maybe you can't understand
Author's response
Actually no, only Vanilla Materials but if you want i add the possibility to execute a command and with a command economy you give money

Version: 1.0.4
A great Plugin!May I forward the plugin to ?(A Chinese Minecraft Forum)For sure, I won't give out the jar. I will only provide language translation and introduction in my post. I will provide the download link to your spigot page and let them download in your spigot link
Please allow my application .
Author's response
Thank you very much for the review. If you want to translate it and publish it on the site, you can do it safely. And don't forget to send me the link when you're done :D

Version: 1.0
I couldn't find the translation of the /vc points command, please fix it. I'll fix my scoring on Spigot again.
Author's response
You find the section in config.yml with name "commandVcPointsHelp"
commandVcPointsHelp: ' &e/vc &6<points> [playerName] &7for see your points or points of another player'

Version: 1.0
Good plugin. and just what I was looking for! i would recommend it to all my friends
Author's response
Thank you very much :D

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,357
First Release: Apr 16, 2022
Last Update: Dec 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
13 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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