ACMD ⏰ ⏳ (AutoCommands) 1.13 - 1.21.1 icon

ACMD ⏰ ⏳ (AutoCommands) 1.13 - 1.21.1 -----

A Simple and powerful Spigot plugin that lets you to automate commands for your servers !

Version: version 1.6.0
Please tell me, after restarting the server, all commands stop? And how can I solve this?

Version: version 1.5.9
can you please add per world timer command that in the world for example, survival, it will play commands with timers. and can you also support player commands that bv it not only execute commands in console but also player side commands

Version: version 1.5.9
I'm stupid, I thought this plugin could change the command, for example /power to /p (Just an example). But I didn’t quite understand the description, but when I installed it, I realized that it just hides tabs or something like that. It's a pity, I'll keep looking.

Version: version 1.5.9
I haven’t tried this plugin yet, but I’ll definitely try it when I have time, because my plugins stopped working, they still haven’t been updated to version 1.21, and I see yours supports this version, how cool! Thanks for the plugin!

Version: 1.4.1
Giant turd

Your review must be at least 80 characters. Using filler characters to bypass this limit will get you punished, please write a proper and constructive review.Your review must be at least 80 characters. Using filler characters to bypass this limit will get you punished, please write a proper and constructive review.
Author's response
The bots like that should be banned :c

Version: 2.0.0
Its plugins is really great and complete !! Thank you very much for your work, it really helps me a lot :)
Author's response
Thanks a lot for your review, hope this plugin still fits your needs :D !

Version: 1.0.2
Wow !
This spigot plugin work very well in 1.8 on my spigot server. thanks !
Author's response
Thank you for your review, I didn't expected it to work on such old version :o

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,927
First Release: Feb 17, 2022
Last Update: Sep 21, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
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