Update 1.6.0
Adding Trigger customisation to the command !
Allows to trigger the
acmd based
on a server event. Fully customizable !
Debuging on the way
Enjoy this new release 
Update 1.5.10
UI now returns
to the right location when edting a value in the chat !
Rework of the UI code, simpler is better !
global debuging 
Enjoy this new quality of life update !
Patch 1.5.9
New command added !
It gives you the real server time. Usefull when using the daily Executor for command.
Fixing bugs with a key in the command config
stay tuned for next big update ! <3
Update 1.5.8
New Ui Locking system,
avoiding conflict in command configuration
New Config verrification system,
replacing missing keys in config automatically
Huge refactoring of the code for big performance gain and future updates !
Now typing "
" to cancel a value modification works.
command now verify the config, and the cache of the plugin.
Overall a lot of
little bug are patched
with this version !
stay tuned for next big update ! <3
Update & patch 1.5.7
Now supporting
version tracking
The plugin tells you if it is
up to date
Refactoring the code for less bugs and more fluidity !
Getting rid of severals bugs leading to edge cases issues.
Thank you for all your downloads,
stay tuned
Patch 1.5.6 update !
- Solving issue with UI not refreshing for the commands
- Preparing code for refactoring
Thank you for the 1000 downloads <3 ! We have a lot more to do on this plugin !
Stay tuned !
Patch 1.5.5
Patching a config key not bind correctly causing issues in the execution of the commands
Patch update 1.5.4
Patching a
causing command to be disabled after a reload even if they were daily execution tasks.
Papi Update
Adding support for
server-wide variables !
Not affecting
the users not using PlaceholderApi.
To know how PlaceholderApi works, here is their link :
You can use the placeholders in commands and messages :
- As AutoCommand is a server-wide, and not player-wide management plugin, the commands are executed by the console, therfore only server-wide placeholders will be translated.
Examples of use will be added soon, for any question contact us on discord !
Here is a first one:
After installing the math module of Papi (https://wiki.placeholderapi.com/users/placeholder-list/#math), you will be able to do calculation inside of commands :
Code (YAML):
: true
: myNewAcmd
: 0
: 10
: 4
: false
- 'say
%math_5*2% ' # <-- Here is the use of placeholders
: ''
: ''
PlaceholderAPI is a soft dependence of ACMD, it is absolutely not mandatory to have it installed if you don't need to.
New Update
UI management
for future update.
bug fixes
stay tuned ! 
New minor Update
Preparing the code for futur update
Some little debugs.
Adding full support for bStat metrics.
stay tuned

Version Update
Dev are back <3 ! 
Patchs have been made on severals annoying bugs, the plugin is verified for version 1.13.x to 1.20.x !
Tell us if you want new features on this plugin !
Some huge improves in coming ! stay tuned <3
This is a simple update,
debug of the 1.4.0 GUI update
It fixes bugs with the
, and bugs with the
config files
Enjoy !
~GUI Update 1.4.0~
First, a big thanks for all the download
We've reach 200 download, so thanks for using the plugin on your server <3 .
What's new with this MAJ ?
- New way of editing,creating the acmds !
- A lot of debug and efficiency update.
New way of listing the commands :
New way of listing the commands :
Important :
Old commands are still usable .
You will find the help you need for the GUI at the github wiki page !
Our documentations :
Don't forget to check our discord for real time help/discuss with devs. You can also contact us if you find bugs in the plugin !
Our Discord : https://discord.gg/rw5AvCzX2M
The GUI is not yet translatable, it will come soon.
Noting changed in the config.yml or lang.yml .
As always be sur to have the latest files to avoid any bugs ! (Can get it on our github page)
They might be some update soon for debug and GUI design, so stay tune for new updates !
Enjoy this new update and thanks again
Debug for the file saving
~New activation system~
The new activation system let you
enable and disable
a acmd.
if a acmd is disable, it will no longer run automatically with the dailyTimeExecution paramètre.
You can
run and stop
a acmd when you want, and even
force run
a acmd to bypass the delay and run the acmd with no delay and no repetition.
you got a
new info command
to get the info of an acmd with it's id !
the command /
acmd list now have a page parameter
. You can change in the config.yml the number of acmd displayed by page when running /acmd list.
We fixed bugs and improve the efficiency of the plugin !
Be sure to have the latest version of the lang.yml, config.yml files.
A message will be displayed in the consol if your configs files are not up to date or have missing parameteres.
~Daily routine Update and more~
The Daily routines are here
This new system enable you to create autoCommands with
schedule startup hour
We made the GUI fully customisable with a new command system more clear and intuitive !
You will find all the help you want on our
github wiki
Or just join us on our discord to discuss the plugins :
The format of the commands.yml has changed since this update (1.2.0), the plugin will make a new folder with name "AutoCommands". Move your commands to this new format in the new folder to use them again. Make sur that you have the latest version of all the file.
If any problem with the migration, contact us on our discord.
If any bug, report them on our discord !
Enjoy this new update !
The AutoCommands Devs
~Repetition and customisation update~
This is a major update of the plugin.
This version
enable you to
add repetition limit
to your acmds !
Make sur you have the latest version of all the file including config.yml and lang.yml.
(you can delet the last one and reload your server to make appear the new or go check the github with the last file version)
You can now
modify the gui
of the /acmd list entirely with placeholders in lang.yml
~Github Repository and templates~
you will now find
default template of acmd
in the commands.yml file to help understanding the plugin.
go check the
github repository
(link in the description of the plugin) to find the new files template for
lang.yml, config.yml
~Translation and customisation~
The new lang.yml file found in the plugin folder enable you to
translate or customize
the plugin.
It comes with
diffrents placeholders
to custom your interface.
Fixes and improvment
~Colored Messages and multiple minecraft version~
the plugin can now run on
multiple minecraft versions
You can add color to the config file
using '&' codes
messages on executing
can be colored
/acmd setMessage ->
adding message
to your command when executed !
no longer need to reload
the plugin when adding a new acmd.
you can
disable and enable
your command
without reloading
the plugin
Bug fixes and improvment of the storage methode.
Updating permission system
acmd.* ->
gives all permission
acmd.reload ->
the plugin
acmd.admin -> allow to
create and manage
Permission Update
You are now able to
set permission
for the differents commands of the plugin :
-> gives the permission to
reload the plugin
-> gives the permission to
create and manage the acmds
of the server.
Adding a
new way of saving
the commands in file.
Possibility of
changing the prefix
in console or ingame.
Fixes and improvement
~Update~ Version 1.0.1
to the command at the start of the server
display a message
when the command is running
fixes and improvement
of the saving system
command file
separated from the con
to the command at the start of the server
can display a
when the command is running
fixes and improvement
of the saving system
command file
separated from the con