- Update for RPv3
- Give random gem a texture
- Fix resource pack
- Patch for gem trading
- Patch for new resource pack
- Minor bugfixes
Update to SealLib v1.1.0.0
Add hi_IN and hg_IN languages (thanks to WeThink)
Add getAllGems command (thanks to LeonardisG)
Add names to spawned creatures
Fix some big bugs (like the spawned entities targeting the owner)
Add debuffs in opposite temperature biomes
Add gem cache (improve performance by a lot in some edge cases)
Minor bugfixes
- Implement SealLib, that means
- - Updater made by me
- - I18N support (custom languages!)
- Cleaned up the code slightly
- Added some ability to self-repair on errors on gem creation
- Added a couple of languages (de_DE, en_US, fr_FR, hu_HU, it_IT, pirate language (pi_US), zh_CN, owo language (hm_US), shakesperean language (sp_US))
Hope you guys enjoy!
Changed analytics
Fix error on gem generation (hopefully)
Hotfix for configuration
Hey! I said it was going to be unstable..
- Added a config option to disable the WorldGuard addon
- Hotfix for WorldGuard related crashes
- Add an API
- Add WorldGuard Support
- Bug fixed
- Minor optimisations
- Add an API
- Add WorldGuard Support
- Bug fixed
- Minor optimisations
Fix the level display bug on upgrade
Stop console spam on config generation (or at least make it better)
Hotfix to Gem lore configuration
- Reworked air gem
- Fixed crafting bug
- Added passive particle effects
- Added more config options
- Add gem lore configuration
Rewrote the configuration system entirely
Reworked the sand gem
Fixed the lava gem
Added the water gem
Added configuration options
Made cooldowns more configurable (cooldown.yml needs to be regenerated)
Fixed a lot of bugs
Added support for custom recipes. File is located in /plugins/PowerGems/config/recipes.yml
Fixed cooldows not working
Added a new way of checking for multiple gems (it changes nothing for the user, its better at finding gems)
Completely remade the gem system to allow for more gems and for better performance.
You can now see cooldowns over you hotbar with a gem in hand / offhand
Added config options
QoL changes
Small bugfixes
Added option to disable certain blocks from being replaced by lava right click
A lot of bugfixes
More configuration options
Changed crafting recipe
Fixed gem description not being displayed correctly
Fixed a command edge case
Fixed the level not displaying correctly on gems
Minor fixes, realized 1.19 didnt work properly (sorry!) so I removed it (1.19.4 still works)
Minor hotfix on the updater
Fixed crafting and upgrading recipes
Fixed multiple crafting recipes giving unobtainable items
Made the updater prettier
Fire's fireball has been completely redone
Crafting recipe has been overhauled
Made the backend a lot better to work with
Fixed givegem command
Fixed gem upgrading
Minor bugfixes
Added lava gem
Fixed ice gem throw bug
Fixed gem giving not including ice gem
Added more configuration options
Added descriptions
Added passive power support
Air and Lighting gem don't take fall damage
Updated the raytracing system
Nerfed fire gem
Added a configuration file (located in config.yml).
Resource pack is now in my discord (for compatibility with some server hosts I moved it to another download).
Minor balancing.
Added a feature with great demand: A resourcepack!
This means that from now on the download will be a .zip file containing the plugin and the resourcepack.
Resourcepack only works with Optifine!
Minor balancing
Backend gem system rework (You may have to five yourself back the gems)
Added new command argument for the command /givegem, the level:
(example) /givegem 2 1 will give a level 1 healing gem
Fixed Ice gem not being craftable
Added offhand support (you can now use gems in offhand)
Better updater configuration (better status report)
Added checkupdates command (needs permission or op)
Added ice gem
Greatly buffed iron gem
Slightly debuffed healing gem (still broken)
Added ice gem
Greatly buffed iron gem
Slightly debuffed healing gem (still broken)
Now you can't reroll the crafting recipe to get the gem you want
Updated removed (it didn't work anyway)
You can now upgrade you gems!
Added upgrades (every gem gets boosted based on the level, gems have to be migrated to new system, done automatically. If a gem doesn't get migrated give yourself a new one and it will be fine)
Small performance improvements
Added the ability to disable gems in the configs
Added an updater (thanks
@Stipess1 )
Made completely compatible with spigot (don't have to use paper anymore)
Added an experimental feature that adds a file with the cooldowns where they can be edited (config->cooldowns.yaml)
Fixed the strenght typo (I swear I can't type that word)
Fixed a critical bug on gem giving
Fixed a bug where some cooldowns wouldn't work
Added new gems:
- Air gem (replaces movement gem)
- Fire gem
- Iron gem
- Lightning gem
- Sand gem
Fixed a bug with the movement shift cooldown not working
This update brings 2 new commands:
- /givegem, gives a gem to the player that executes the command
- /giveallgem, gives a gem to all the players in the server
- Now should work on spigot servers
- Permissions are a working thing now
- Both commands and permissions have desciptions
I should be able to post updates much quicker now because I remade the entire codebase to be much easier to work with.
Cleaned up a lot of code and fixed a critical bug (seriusly how did I miss this)
New features
- When a player joins for the first time he will be given a random gem
- Cleaned up the code a bit
- Removed the 3 player limit (you can now play with as many people you want)
In this update the gems are no longer droppable, either by death or by drop