[1.19.4 - 1.21.x]PowerGems icon

[1.19.4 - 1.21.x]PowerGems -----

A multiplayer addition where you battle with unique abilities!

When players first join the game, they are given a random gem, each with different powers!

Strength Gem:
Right click: Saturation, Strenght and Resistance (all level 2)
Shift click: An arena that keeps anyone from entering, useful to heal
Left click: A shockwave that sends everyone near flying and damages them

Healing Gem:
Right click: Parry
Shift click: Instant heal
Left click: 1 minute of regeneration 2

Air Gem:
Right click: Creates a rope of wind between the player and a target player, pulling the target closer.
Shift click: Creates a cloud of smoke, granting temporary invisibility and propelling the player forward.
Left click: Unleashes a burst of wind, launching nearby entities into the air and dealing damage.

Fire Gem:
Right click: Creates a fiery aura around the player, granting fire resistance and igniting nearby air blocks.
Shift click: Triggers a powerful explosion at the player's location, damaging nearby entities and applying fire damage.
Left click: Launches a fireball in the direction the player is facing, causing an explosion upon impact.

Iron Gem:
Right click: Temporarily grants the player increased absorption and knockback resistance.
Shift click: Temporarily increases the player's armour and armour toughness.
Left click: Fires a barrage of spectral arrows in a circle shape.

Lightning Gem:
Right click: Strikes lightning at the target location and nearby entities, damaging them.
Shift click: This action emits a thunder sound effect and applies a glowing potion effect to nearby entities, excluding the player.
Left click: Launches the player forward in the direction rail.

Sand Gem:
Right click: Weakens the target player, reducing their strength temporarily.
Shift click: Throw a blinding and slowing orb of sand that explodes periodically
Left click: Creates a trap of sand that makes players slower

Ice Gem:
Right click: Throws an ice block, dealing damage to whoever gets hit
Shift click: Spawns snow golems to fight for you
Left click: Freezes the player you aim, giving them slowness

Lava Gem:
Right click: Make a wall of lava
Shift click: Spawn a blaze to fight for you
Left click: 1 minute of Fire resistance

Water Gem:
Right click: Propel yourself forward in water, creating bubbles.
Shift click: Create a temporary water cube around you, granting Dolphin's Grace.
Left click: Moisturize farmland blocks around you.
Passive: Power up yourself with water

Extra effect:
The dragon egg halves cooldown (can be turned off in the configuration)

The resource pack will only work with Optifine or CIT Resewn Installed!
(Ice gem and Lava gem have the same texture)
Resource Pack can be found on our Discord server!

Thanks for all of the downloads!!!
222? People are looking at this?
250 Dude... I thought we would never get here
300? How?
400?I.. I have no words.
500 We... did it. I'm blown away.
750 ROAD TO 1K!
1000 Im making the first feature I see in the discord, post one there
1500 how.
2000 We hit it. I dont even know how
2500 ???
3000 sorry for the long time since last update
4000 maybe?
5000 perhaps?

6000 road to 10k maybe???

Need help? Do you have a suggestion? Join the Discord server
If you like the plugin, be sure to leave a review

The wiki can be found here

This page is kind of outdated. Please look at the modrinth page for more info on the plugin

Recipes can (and should) be edited, more info on the wiki.
These are the defaults given by the plugin

For a New Gem:

To upgrade a gem:

This plugin is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 11,167
First Release: Mar 31, 2023
Last Update: Feb 1, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
7 ratings
Find more info at powergems.iseal.dev...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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