Selective Rewards: Players can now choose their rewards from the crate, rather than it being random!
Translation File Update: Added support for empty strings ("") in translation files.
PlaceholderAPI Support: You can now use placeholders for crate names and in reward win messages!
Preview Command Update: Added the new <player> argument to the preview command.
Per-Command Permissions: Support for permissions on a per-command basis.
Takekey Command: Remove physical keys with the new takekey command.
Enhanced Preview Items: Preview items now display the amount of the reward.
Performance Improvements & Bug Fixes: Optimizations and fixes for a smoother experience.
- Performance issue solved related to PlaceholderAPI physical keys
- When adding an item on the win items (reward), display item was not updated
- Fixed some inconsistencies with translations
- Revamped some QoL matters in the editor