✦ Tower Defense X ✦ [Create towers and enemies/bosses with your custom designs!] icon

✦ Tower Defense X ✦ [Create towers and enemies/bosses with your custom designs!] -----

The best tower defense plugin out there! Recreate the famous BTD in minecraft with special features!

✦ Tower Defense X ✦ || Update 1.5 [Major Update]
Support is highly appreciated :D!
  • Added bosses! You can now create bosses that spawn at a certain wave! You need to either add manually a configuration section named 'bosses' in enemies.yml or just delete the file and let it regenerate (preferred)! And you also need to add 'Boss-Material' under Guide-Format in enemies.yml
  • Fixed an important bug where if multiple towers targeted the same enemy at the same moment only one would be dealing damage
  • Fixed an important bug where enemy players gained stacking exp each wave!
  • Added the new command /td cheat which will give the player 999999 coins for testing purposes!
  • Added the option 'Auto-Equip-Free-Classes' in config.yml to force players to use a free class if they didn't select one
  • Reduced default interval between waves to 5 seconds
  • Increase zues tower default damages
  • Added some additional informative default information in the broadcaster.yml
Example for manually adding bosses and boss material in guide

Boss-Material: EYE_OF_ENDER


Spider King:
Entity: SPIDER
Coins-On-Kill: 200
Exp-On-Kill: 100
Health: 1000
Damage: 30
Wave-Released: 15
Speed: Low
Helmet: AIR
Chestplate: AIR
Leggings: AIR
Boots: AIR
Hand: AIR
----------, Oct 7, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 418
First Release: Sep 26, 2019
Last Update: Jan 1, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
35 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings