✅ DropEdit 2 - Advanced Drop Editor ✍️ Edit drops in a GUI! icon

✅ DropEdit 2 - Advanced Drop Editor ✍️ Edit drops in a GUI! -----

A very easy loot table editor that allows you adding custom mob drops, block drop, and fish drops!

Version: 1.1.78
Awesome plugin, extremely easy to use and configure. Handles custom items well. Everything can be added/removed from drops in-game flawlessly. Give it a go!

Version: 1.1.76
Plugin is not working for me on 1.21, author is ignoring the problem. You can't set drops for blocks bcs of plugin error

Version: 1.1.76
The plugin does not work on my pc. I need help and no conection to discord.
[15:49:43 WARN]: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant org.bukkit.Material.LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
[15:49:43 WARN]: at java.lang.Enum.valueOf(Unknown Source)
[15:49:43 WARN]: at org.bukkit.Material.valueOf(Material.java:1)
[15:49:43 WARN]: at xyz.spaceio.spaceitem.DecorationMaterial.get(DecorationMaterial.java:48)
[15:49:43 WARN]: at de.Linus122.DropEdit.ui.UIMain.<init>(UIMain.java:39)
[15:49:43 WARN]: at de.Linus122.DropEdit.Cmd.onCommand(Cmd.java:181)
[15:49:43 WARN]: at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:44)
[15:49:43 WARN]: at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:141)
[15:49:43 WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:641)
[15:49:43 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.handleCommand(PlayerConnection.java:1162)
[15:49:43 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.a(PlayerConnection.java:997)
[15:49:43 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInChat.a(PacketPlayInChat.java:45)
[15:49:43 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInChat.a(PacketPlayInChat.java:1)
[15:49:43 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnectionUtils$1.run(SourceFile:13)
[15:49:43 WARN]: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source)
[15:49:43 WARN]: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
[15:49:43 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:44)
[15:49:43 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B(MinecraftServer.java:715)
[15:49:43 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B(DedicatedServer.java:374)
[15:49:43 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A(MinecraftServer.java:654)
[15:49:43 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:557)
[15:49:43 WARN]: at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Version: 1.1.76
I bought the plugin, but it doesn't work for version 1.16.5, although it says that this version is available, the developer is not ready to solve this problem yet.

Therefore, I do not recommend the plugin for now due to the lack of support.

Version: 1.1.76
Great plugin, some pretty awesome features that make adding custom drops to monsters, blocks, fishing all just a few clicks away.

Version: 1.1.65
Super fast and efficient support. The dev is friendly, understanding & hotfixed an issue I had incredibly fast. The plugin also offers great functionality in terms of what the plugin is for. I'd highly recommend this for any server that deals with custom drops.

Version: 1.1.64
Amazing plugin, amazing support.
reported a bug on the discord server, 40 mins later a new update which fixed the issue was uploaded to spigot.

Version: 1.1.61
Hello spigot friends, this plugin is very easy to set up and also adds a lot in the fun of the players, not to mention that the developer is always available to fix the problems.

Version: 1.1.58
I really like how easy this plugin is to use. Is it perfect? Of course not, it has issues here and there. However, the dev behind it is very attentive and takes care of bug reports promptly. I highly recommend this if you are looking to spruce your server up with some fun custom drops. I certainly hope we see more features and improvements in the future, but even if nothing else were ever added, it's still a great plugin and worth your money.

Version: 1.1.51
An amazing plugin, had a small issue and the dev fixed it quickly, a must have for server that want custom drops!

Version: 1.1.51
Awesome plugin and an even more awesome developer! I had a feature that I needed for my 1.19.3 server and reached out via discord. Within an hour it was implemented. The plugin does exactly what it needs and more, plus it's easy to customize using the GUI. Worth every penny, you rock!

Version: 1.1.51
plss add drop tables, it would make it even better than it is right now, pls pls pls

Version: 1.1.51
Great just need per-world drop edit. . .

Version: 1.1.50
I like the plugin but missing a lo features like executing a command when a player kills other players, mobs, or when mines a block, and also the multiplier does not work as expected does not multiply the EXP

Version: 1.1.50
plugins completely broken for 1.19.2 no drops work at all it just spams errors and lags server
Author's response
I can't fix this for you without a proper bug report. Join my discord ( https://discord.spaceio.xyz) or post the error(s) you're getting in the discussions. A review won't help us both on this. I am always happy to fix things :)

Version: 1.1.46
It's a must have plugin ! Awesome plugin and awesome developer aswell very friendly and help very fast keep up the good work !

Version: 1.1.45
This is a great plugin, but it has its drawbacks. Hopefully, monster drops will increase the player kill TAB, distinguishing between a player kill and a monster die of natural causes. In addition, the filter is not so easy to use, for example, sheep with more colors cannot be distinguished. I hope the author can reply to this comment. thank you

Version: 1.1.45
Easy-to-use, do not forget to read the documents! I felt that this was a need/necessary addition for my semi-vanilla server to change a few things to continue working on a server. The simple use of a plugin will make things pretty easy if you don't want to consistently edit config files.

Version: 1.1.45
Plugin perfeito, ajudou muito no que eu quis fazer, gui intuitiva, funcional, fácil e rápida, super recomendo.

Version: 1.1.45
The plugin works and it's very simple to use.

However, for a premium plugin, it doesn't offer per-world support which is a big downside for many.

The author has promised to add per-world support since May 2019 but has not delivered.

I wouldn't recommend the plugin until per-world support is added. There are other free plugins that offer the same functionality.

Version: 1.1.45
PERFECT! Every mob every drop and all customized with chances!! Perfect for servers looking for ways to let people get custom items or even currency or crates! I have not used the plugin for Block Drops but more for Mob Drops. I would say its worth the money!

Version: 1.1.45
Nice Plugin easy too use and customize.
really fast and friendly author in discord, fixed my issue with custom modeldata items.

Thank's again

Version: 1.1.42
Good plugin but not complete, missing features like execute different commands with percents, multipliers.
Author's response
hey, thanks for your review. There is the command tag that you can use for executing commands. If you want to execute multiple commands as one drop, use a batch container:

Feel free to join my discord if you have any questions left: http://discord.spaceio.xyz/

Version: 1.1.42
To be honest I'm not really impressed. Seems too basic and cumbersome to be a premium plugin.
It does what is advertised but configuration is time very time consuming and the data is stored in some obfuscated JSON format. This prevents who normally would prefer to use notepad++ or grep to easily configure their plugins are instead forced to use the tedious in-game GUI editor.
I'm not comfortable rolling out a plugin to my production server when I can not simply look over a file to double check my work.

Version: 1.1.42
The plugin by it's self isn't bad however there is no longer innovation or any feature improvements what so ever:
1. Player can place block and destroy and place and destroy until he will get the desired % to drop with is not ideal and this should be improved ages ago (I did write about it to the author ages ago nothing has been done)
2. Missing stuff like if silk touch is used to pickup something like diamond ore do not allow to drop anything custom. - This is one of the ways to help to deal with issue number 1 not much but at least with ore player would not be able to just pickup diamond_ore place it again and repeat to get all drops you customize in no time.
3. You can't customize on with world a specific item can be dropped.
4. A lot of customization is missed in this plugin there is 100% more ideas that other player had, but it was never implemented.

I try to come back to the plugin as 1-2 years should be plenty to improve the premium resource however I was disappointed. Doesn't fill like premium plugin.

I said bad thinks now some good one:
1. The author does update the plugin to new versions of minecraft and fixes stuff - That's good
2. Author responds to issues at least when I write to him 1-2 years ago fast. I am sure that didn't change
3. The plugin is simple and wiki page is understandable to understand plugin straight away.

That's all from me (Please remember this is my opinion and my experience from my point of view)
Author's response
Hey, thanks for your review.

You can enable the "DROP_ONLY_NATURAL" flag, which will prevent dropping custom drops from placed blocks. But in general, I advice not dropping the same block again along with rare items. Even vanilla does this (Flint from gravel, redstone, lapis, diamond ore..). Its technically not practical to cover every possibility to place a block (e.g. from a plugin, piston etc) to remove the custom block, so just don't drop the block item again. Youre right about the silk touch enchantment, this definitely needs to be improved.

In general, there is no point on improving a premium plugin thats still pretty much usable and that have already been bought by hundreds of people. Of course I could spend some more time on adding all these feature, and increase the price. Most people already bought the plugin for 5€, I really don't want them to come back onto my discord again and asking thousands of questions, reporting bug fixes etc. for the new versions with a bunch of features added, since none of them initially paid for the new features at the first place.

There is basically no monetary compensation for the spare time I am putting into the development of this plugin. Your point that the plugin hasn't been really improved over the last 2 years would be valid if you were a monthly paying customer (which is not possible on spigot). Almost any software you find on the internet either gives you access to future updates on a monthly subscription basis or only provide you the software as-it-is for a one time payment.

People are suggesting a bunch of feature and seemingly expect me to implement them without anyone paying for it. I am sure that there are servers using my plugin that are earning more per hour than I do for all the requests I am receiving on my discord, so why providing them free new features..

Apart from that, I am already working on a new filter system which will solve a bunch of issues once done (you can follow it on my discord). I am doing this whenever I feel motivated to, since no one pays me for this.

I hope that I made it clear why its difficult for me to add new feature to premium plugins,


Version: 1.1.42
This plugin is still one of the best Spigot-Premium plugins and a must have for a awesome server!
Author's response
thanks <3

Version: 1.1.40
I leave a good review, but I write because I think this is too much. Version 1.12 also says it works, but the mob list does not appear. I've left a lot of inquiries on discord, but there's no answer whether I checked it or not.

Version: 1.1.37
Very great plugin, if you need a great dropp plugin, with "all-item-support", this is your plugin. Only missing function on flags: "worldguard region drop flag: (only specific region dropping items)"

Version: 1.1.37
Awesome plugin! If anyone wants to check it out! IP: play.auroranetwork.org

We have gone above the limits of what this plugin can do!

Version: 1.1.36

Version: 1.1.34
I've been using this plugin for two years.
I am fully satisfied with it.
I bought the plugin because I wanted to leave MCMMO, but I liked the double-drop option of MCMMO, and this plugin replaced it well.
Today I use this for almost everything.
I use the plugin on my all server (except creative).
It can be widely used and I think it is a very good feature.
Worth the price!
I love it! ♥

Version: 1.1.33
One of the best Premiumplugin. Simple and easy
it's worth to buy.

PS: Very good and fast support

Version: 1.1.33
Fantastic plugin. Reached out to have a feature where player heads with specific data values could have their own drops and within ONE DAY the feature was implemented. Can't stress how impressed I am.

Version: 1.1.28
Great plugin and dev i needed a bit of help with the plugin and he was there to help me very fast!

Version: 1.1.26
Top drop editor plugin. I was desperately looking for a plugin and I found this but I had an issue with purchasing it since paypal is not an option Im allowed to use. The dev understood my problem and helped me solve it. This dev is pure golden and the plugin is a very powerful tool. Go ahead and buy it! What are you waiting for.

Version: 1.1.26
Great Plugin!
Could i share it to Chinese mcbbs?
I will indicates your copyright.
I will not release the plugins.
but will link to Spigotmc.

in addition,I translated your language file into Chinese. And will Published it on mcbbs.

May I have your consent.

Version: 1.1.22
Still one of the best plugins available on spigot. I can't wait to see new plugins from the author! He's amazing

Version: 1.1.22
We bought this plugin because we wanted to determine what the mobs were dropping. Especially the fact that it is Gui controlled makes it very easy. This PLugin is worth its money. We recommend it to everyone :)

Version: 1.1.22
Ideal für unseren Community Server und das Wirtschaftssystem bei Skyblock! Genau das, was wir gesucht haben. Läuft reibungslos!
Author's response
Vielen Dank für dein Review! Schau doch auf unserem Discord vorbei, falls du noch offene Fragen etc. hast: https://discord.spaceio.xyz/ :)

Version: 1.1.20
Unique plugin with the smoothest GUI system you can find! Developer support is exceptional and active. Worth every cent!

Version: 1.1.15
An exceptional plugin, the owner provided excellent support, to fix an issue. I love the in game configuration option!

Version: 1.1.14
Thanks for updating to 1.14. Works great! No issues! Does exactly what it is supposed to do.
Author's response
Thank you! Glad that you're happy with it. Feel free to join our discord if you need support or general help! https://discord.spaceio.xyz/

Version: 1.1.4
Still loving this plugin, dev did a great job on it! Support is fast and bugs are smashed, 10/10.

Version: 1.1.4
Great plugin!!!! Does what it says. Super easy to use. And if you have any questions or need help the Author is right on top of it! Great work MasterCake!!!!!

Version: 1.1.2
A powerfull small plugin who is doing an amazing jobs. The Dev looks much skilled and very friendly. Support are awesome. It is a plugin who has the right to have 5 Stars
Author's response
Awesome, thanks! :)

Version: 1.1.2
This is a great plugin Fully support it and still use it. The author is awesome along with good support not to mention that jumps onto bugs that are reported fairly quickly and fixes them which is awesome. I use this plugin works great for skyblocks and survival. I'd recommend 10/10 :D

Version: 1.1.1
This is a great plugin Fully support it and still use it. But 4 stars due to a slight bug custom drops while mining under ground will jump to the top of the world or to the tunnel or closest open space above. the plugin gui works and looks great. it's simply very well made.
Author's response
Hey, thanks for your review! Awesome! Sorry about the issue you're having, I'll do my best for fixing this!

Version: 1.1.1
Support is Extremely efficace ! best dropedit plugins ! gui and edit is so simple.

Version: 1.0.9
Great work! I hope to add control to the efficiency of the generation of the cage

Version: 1.0.9
Such a great plugin! I use this for a looting system on my server, couldn't be happier with this last update!
Author's response
Thanks for your review! Glad that you're happy with it :)

Version: 1.0.7
Works amazingly and handles everything I need it to. The GUIs are extremely convenient and I've never even had to open the config files. Fairly priced and offers so many features. Even started making up new ideas just so I could implement them with this plugin.

Version: 1.0.1
Best drop editing plugin by far, it opens up a whole new world of opportunities that I never thought I'd be able to do, you can make mining, fishing and hunting for mobs good again! very good support and definitely worth the money!

Version: 1.0.1
This is an exelent plugin, the best for its category, great developer. Right price for what it offers, great, beautiful work
Author's response
thanks for your review :)

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 955
First Release: Sep 3, 2018
Last Update: Dec 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
50 ratings
Find more info at docs.spaceio.xyz...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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