- Upgrade Sprint drain rate of a player for money /staminaupgrade
At version 3.0.0 + there's a upgrade system.
This system work with the command /staminaupgrade or /staminagui
Instead of upgrading the maxEndurance the plugin upgrade the sprint drain rate. Data of every players is stock in playerdata.yml. You can edit someone sprint drain rate with /staminaedit <player> <number>. The default sprint drain rate of a new player is 0.5 and you can change that in the config.yml.
The upgrade system is still in beta and you can disable it with permission : stamina.upgrade.
The plugin include a placeholder : %stamina_stamina% %stamina_stamina_200% %stamina_short_stamina_bar% %stamina_stamina_bar% %stamina_custom_stamina_bar%
if you need a maximum placeholder, just use 100, no need for a placeholder
There also a glow berries feature (You can disable it in config) When you eat a glow berries, You get infinite stamina for 10 sec