Zithium Collectors is the ultimate chunk collector system. Easily create different types of collectors and configure them to your liking.
This plugin requires a shop plugin a list of supported plugins is provided above.
Notable Features:
- Auto Sell collected items.
- Picks up any configured drops within the same chunk
- Customizable hologram above the collector(s)
- Easy to use menu system for players
- Invite other users to your collectors
- Extremely configurable to ensure the plugin meets your gameplay standards.
Image of two placed collectors
Image of the collector list menu which allows users to view all their currently placed collectors.
The collector menu where users can view collectable items and sell individual items.
The member management menu where users can invite other users and see how many items that user has sold or withdrawn from the collector
Users can also decide if they want the collector to auto sell all items or not.
Note: Autosell can be turned off per-collector type by an admin in the config.
A sell all button for users to sell the entire inventory of the collector at once.
A screenshot of the hologram with multiple lines and an automatically updating hologram

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