zDiscord | A simple /discord command icon

zDiscord | A simple /discord command -----

A simple /discord command for your Minecraft server!

zDiscord is a simple /discord message plugin, allowing players to easily join your community discord server. All compacted into a light weight and highly configurable system perfect for any server.

Join my Discord

As of zDiscord 1.5.0, Java 17 is required and the plugin will only work on 1.17+ with the target being the latest releases of Minecraft.

zDiscord has only be tested with versions listed above and is never planned to support older versions of Minecraft. This does not mean it will not work on other game versions, however, you will not receive support and you may experience issues as it was not tested for them. Only the most recent release is recommended.

/discord - Sends the message to the player (requires no permissions)
/discord reload - Reloads the configuration (requires being op)

It's simple, just set the message and restart your server or use the reload command.
# zDiscord - By zaviar.dev for Minecraft Java 1.17+
# A simple /discord command for your Minecraft server

# If the message should be presented to players when joining the server
presentOnJoin: false

# The message sent to players
- "&b&lJoin our discord!"
- " https://discord.gg/default"

# Set the message that is shown when hovering over the text
textHover: "Click to go to our discord"

# What link players will be prompted with when they click it
textClick: " https://discord.gg/default"

# Optionally play a sound when a player executes the command
# Make sure to use the correct sound enum for your Minecraft version!
# See https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html for the latest list
enabled: false
If you have the sounds feature enabled, you may discover errors occurring in newer or older versions of the game, this is caused by updates to Minecraft sound enums, you can view the latest list here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html or by looking through the vanilla /playsound command in-game. You can also disable this in the configuration under "sound.enabled" and set it to false.

For requests, issues and support please contact me on Spigot or Discord.
Please do not use the review area!​
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 10,643
First Release: Dec 16, 2018
Last Update: Oct 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
13 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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