- Added placeholder with speculator's nickname to webhooks ({4}).
- Added disabling teleport after `/spec off` in config.
- Fixed sending a message to the speculator that the suspect is logout.
- Fixed bugs in the console when glow.
- Fixed blinking of glow.
- Fixed that the glow is displayed to everyone, not just the spectator.
- Fixed glow disappearing when teleporting or unloading a suspect out of view.
- Possibility to disable bossbar in config
- Preset reasons with tab complete (configurable in config)
- Bypass permission to disallow snooping on you
- Webhook when tracking starts and ends
- Ability to change installable gamemode when tracking is completed in config
- Ability to revert old location when tracking ends (on/off in config)
- Ability to revert old gamemode when tracking ends (on/off in config)
- Night vision for spectator (on/off in config)
- Added a suspect glow (on/off in config)
- Added actionbar with information, default ping and nickname (on/off in config) (configurable in config)
- Added notifications on spec start and end (xspec.notify) (on/off in config) (configurable in config)
- Added bossbar during spec.
- Added check for updates (don't worry, it happens via GitHub API and is maximally optimized, tested).
- Stopping spec when gamemode changes (can be disabled in config).
- New placeholder with suspect nickname for "stopped" and "suspect-left".
- New placeholder with end date for "suspect-left".
- Suspect's nickname is now present in the log file name.
- Added specifying the reason for spec (can be disabled in config), i.e. you can't just start spec, you have to enter a reason, e.g.:
/spec go <name> he's been reported. This reason will be displayed in the logs.