Worldpoints icon

Worldpoints -----

a simple and intuitive, easy to use warp plugin

a simple plugin to create points in worlds of a server to teleport to by selecting them in the gui

this plugin includes a configuration file with one constant value for rows witch will define how many rows the gui will have to display points

there are 5 commands in this plugin and are as follows

/worldpoints - will display the worldpoints gui
/worldpoints <point name> - this will tab suggest a list of present points to do i direct warp to that point

/setpoint <name> <item> <color> <description> - will sent a world point <name> defines the name of the point (no spaces) and <item> defines the item to display as the point in the gui <color> is to define the color of the point in the gui and <description> is a non quoted long description allowing spaces (note all input to the command after the color will be counted as the description)

/removepoint <name> - will remove a point where <name> is the name of the point to remove

/worlpoints-help - will display the help dialogue

/wp-reload - will reload the config files without the need to restart the server or reload the plugin

this plugin has one permission variable for non oped players to use the /setpoint amd /removepoint commands that permission is worldpoints.admin
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 147
First Release: Feb 8, 2024
Last Update: Sep 19, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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