2024-12-10 (1.3.1) - Fixed DoCron refresh logic, the data record value is the next collection time (after updating this version, some kit containing Cron expressions will be refreshed directly).
修复1.20.6版本API官方更新后修改InventoryView为接口导致低版本Found class org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryView, but interface was expected的报错。
✨Updated content:
Cancel item preview stacking
Optimize check update code
Cancel the automatic stacking of items for collection of gift packages, and solve the bug that only one item was caused by continued collection after more than 64 items.
Fixed the error that the lower version Found class org.bukkit. inventoryView was changed to an interface after the official API update in version 1.20.6 resulted in the error that the lower version Found class org.bukkit.inventoryView, but the interface was expected.
Adjusted and optimized the package self-refresh logic for players to open the menu once, greatly reducing the server calculation pressure at the same time, to solve the unnecessary package refresh when there are too many server players.
The plugin check update logic has been adjusted, and spigot resource updates have been synchronized.
Repair: Emergency repair refreshes bugs when using the database.
Adjustment: parameters can be used for database connection, such as wkkituseSSL=false (which can solve SSL-related problems).
- Solve the problem of player default permissions.
- When the player has no permission, prompt him what permission he needs.
- Build a new wiki for English user, Now you can use wkkit more easily.[Click to view]
Fixed missing Help help page / wk mail directive.
Fixed Reload missing Drop data in GUI editor, others to be tested.
Fixed error report when using / wk open to open the specified menu and enter the wrong menu name.
Cannot be used when repairing create gift package & color code.
Fixed Flag in GUI editor could not be deleted.
Fixed the annoying hint of popping up after receiving the gift bag.
Add / wk open menu completion
Come to use it,New version which is I post today。
New version content:
- Support database to store your Player Kits. (
- ServerKits is able to set safty, Only use Enabe command.
- New page for receive Player Kit added.
- Code rewrite 80%
- Database data transfer added.
- Optimize the distribution method of Player Kit for newcomers.
- Add Auto-Refresh package