WikiCraft icon

WikiCraft -----

WikiCraft is a Minecraft plugin that integrates MediaWiki functionality directly into your server.




WikiCraft is a Minecraft plugin that integrates MediaWiki functionality directly into your server.

--- Table of Contents

- WikiCraft
- Table of Contents
- Features
- Installation
- Usage
- Basic Commands
- Permissions
- Contributing
- Requirements
- Building
- License
- Support

--- Features

- Search MediaWiki pages directly from Minecraft
- Verify edits with Minecraft accounts
- Basic page viewing functionality
- Configurable search result limits

--- Installation

1. Create Bot Account:
- Log in to your MediaWiki instance as an administrator
- Go to
Special:CreateAccount (
- Create a new account with:
- Username: [code single]WikiCraftBot[/code] (recommended)
- Password: [secure password]
- Email: [any valid email]
- Real Name: [code single]WikiCraftBot[/code] (optional)
- Reason: [code single]WikiCraftBot initial creation[/code] (optional)

2. Configure Bot Permissions:
- Visit
Special:UserRights (
- Grant the bot account:
- [code single]bot[/code] rights
- [code single]administrator[/code] rights
- Save changes

3. Verify Email:
- Visit
Special:ConfirmEmail (
- Follow the email verification instructions

4. Install Plugin:
- Place WikiCraft.jar in your server's plugins folder
- Edit config.yml:
- Set [code single]wiki-url[/code] to your wiki's base URL
- Set [code single]wiki-bot-username[/code] to your bot's username
- Set [code single]wiki-bot-password[/code] to your bot's password
- Restart the server

--- Usage

Basic Commands

- [code single]/wiki search [query][/code] - Search the wiki
- [code single]/wiki account link[/code] - Link your Minecraft account to wiki account
- [code single]/wiki help[/code] - Show command help


- [code single]wikicraft.anonymous[/code] - Basic user permissions (default)
- [code single]wikicraft.user[/code] - Basic user permissions (default)
- [code single]wikicraft.admin[/code] - Administrative permissions

--- License

This project is licensed under the
MIT License.

--- Support

For issues or feature requests, please open an issue on my
GitHub repository, or DM me on Discord at [code single]iheron[/code].

If you would like to offer monetary support, consider seeing my personal
Ko-fi page, or supporting my work directly on the WOFTNW Patreon.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 57
First Release: Jan 6, 2025
Last Update: Jan 6, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings