WGExtender icon

WGExtender -----

WGExtender - expanding the capabilities of WorldGuard.

WGExtender - expanding the capabilities of WorldGuard.
1. Block limit by permission groups
2. Auto-expand the region vertically when the region is private
3. Prevent liquids from flowing into the protected region
4. Ban on arson of blocks in foreign regions
5. Prohibition on the spread of fire in a protected region
6. Prohibition on the spread of fire inside the protected region
7. Prohibition of burning of blocks within the region
8. Explosions will not damage blocks and entities in other people's private rooms
9. Autoflags in the private region
10. Prohibition of certain commands in a foreign region
11. Managing the logic of PVP operation in the regions in the absence of the pvp flag
Additional flags:
1. chorus-fruit-use
Prohibits the use of chorus fruit in the region
Values: allow deny none
vertexpand: true #Automatically expands the region vertically when private
blocklimits: # Limits the maximum number of blocks that this group can privatize (in WorldGuard itself, the limit should be the largest of those specified here.)
enabled: false
default: 2000
group: 4000
regionprotect: #Important: false means that the function is disabled, true means that it is enabled.
flow: #Blocks the flow of liquids into the region from a place that does not belong to this region (Also disables the spillage of liquid from a distributor docked to the region)
lava: false
water: false
other: false
spread: #Prohibits the spread of fire in some cases.
toregion: false #Prohibits the spreading of fire in the region from places that do not belong to the region.
inregion: false #Prohibits the spread of fire within the region
burn: false #Prohibits the combustion of blocks inside the region
explosion: #Protects the region from explosions
block: true #Protects blocks from
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,066
First Release: Jul 30, 2024
Last Update: Jul 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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