How to Get Started
1. Install the Plugin
- Download the WebVoiceChatPlugin.jar file.
- Place it in your server's plugins folder.
- Restart your server.
2. Open the Voice Chat in a Browser
Once the plugin is installed and running, open a compatible web browser and connect to the WebRTC interface.
- By default, the interface is available at http://your-server-ip:25566.
- Use the same username as your Minecraft character when logging in.
3. Enjoy Talking to Nearby Players
- Talk to others when you're close to them in-game.
- Players farther away will sound quieter, and players behind you will sound different than those in front.
/setmaxdistance <dist> Sets the maximum hearing distance in blocks. Default is 20 blocks. webvoicechat.setmaxdistance
/setmaxdistance 30
This increases the range to 30 blocks.