WebCraftAPI icon

WebCraftAPI -----

WebCraft API is a simple, lightweight WebAPI to embed Minecraft Server data to your website

WebCraftAPI 4.0.0 is out !

This new version is a full rewrite of the old versions with a lot of brand new functionalities :
  • Performance improvements : The plugin now uses Javalin to handle requests, making it more efficient and easier to maintain than the old "homemade" requests handler.
  • Swagger documentation and OpenApi specs : the plugin now have a swagger documentation (accessible on /swagger), allowing you to test and prepare your requests. It also provide a openapi.json file (on /openapi) that you can use to automatically generate your requests and services (you can use ng-openapi-gen for Angular for example)
  • Security : Improved security by removing open/unsecured endpoints. API-Keys and basic authentications are not supported anymore, instead, the plugin now uses JWT tokens for authentication and rights management.
  • New commands : plugin now have commands to list, add and remove API users
  • Easier plugin update. The plugin now uses multiple files to store the API user credentials and server ID, meaning you can easily update your version without having to recreate users, and keeping your original server ID.
  • Endpoints improvements: Some endpoints have been reworked to be more coherent, and a lot of new endpoints have been added !
  • New documentation website : a new plugin/documentation website is on the way and should be available soon.
  • A new version of the server stats website is also planned.
As usual, feel free to ask any question you have or report any bug or issue you encounter, I'll be here to help you !

And remember to give a rating or even make a donation if you like this plugin, it's really helping :)
----------, Aug 6, 2024

The new version of the WebCraftAPI is here !

So, what's new on this version ?
  • Updated Spigot API to 1.20.1 : This plugin won't work on minecraft versions < 1.20.1 !
  • Fixed an issue where the plugin folder won't create and crashes the plugin
  • Added a new API Tracker to monitor your server API usage on a dashboard website (Test link at the bottom).
  • General improvements to standardize API responses
  • Fixed a bug where Open authentication didn't work, and always returns a 401 error
  • WebCraftAPI now use a new JSON configuration file instead of the old yaml file.
  • Various code and performance improvements

What is the API Tracker ?

The API Tracker is a tool you can use to monitor and optimize your server API usage.
It allows the plugin to send anonymous data to the WebCraftAPI dashboard website, so you can have various information about your API usage (total requests, failed requests, server events, errors and exceptions).
It's also usefull for me, as it can help me identify errors and improvements based on all the servers data, allowing me to improve code quality, performances and stability even more.

How does the API tracker works ?

When installing this version of the plugin, the new config.json will have two new properties :
  • api_tracker : a boolean allowing the use of the API tracker
  • server_ID : the Unique Identifier of your server.
If the functionnality is enabled (that's the case by default), your server will log every request, events, stats, errors and exceptions to the WebCraftAPI Dashboard website with various data :
  • Date and time of the event
  • Request's method
  • Request's URI used
  • Request's response code
  • Request's Data (error message for example)

Where can I check the API tracker for my server ?

Just go to https://dashboard.webcraftapi.fr/, fill your Server ID, choose the period and it's done ! You now have acces to your server data.

Is there a working server example I can see ?

Yes, you can find real data from a real server here :

Keep in mind that this is a test server, so when I don't run tests, there is no data to show.

I hope that you will like this version, and if it's the case, please add a rating and share it :)

And as usual, if you encounter any issues, don't hesitate to contact me :)
----------, Oct 24, 2023

Hey everyone !

I'm glad to say that the new version of this plugin is done and available to download !

It was a lot of work, but this version embed not less than 31 new endpoints for you to play with, 5 updated endpoints, CORS support, and lots of code improvement and bugfixes ! Yay !

Online documentation have been updated too, and you cand find all (new) endpoints here : https://depatin-florian.fr/WebCraftAPI/documentation/2.1.0/endpoints/get/api/api.php

If you're curious, here some of the new functionality :
  • Ban/unban players and IP address
  • Check who is banned from your server
  • Get a list of all items/blocks in the game
  • Get more information about your plugins (website, authors, contributors)
  • Get your worlds seeds
  • Get/set per world spawn location
  • Get/set per world weather
  • Get/set per world difficulty
  • Use all player endpoints with Player name or Player UUID
  • Get/Set player health
  • Get/Set player max health
  • Heal players
  • Kill players
  • Get/Set player food level
  • Feed/starve players
  • Kick players from your server
  • Get player current world/location
  • Teleport players
  • Get players personnal spawn points (Bed location)
  • Clear player inventory
  • Give blocks and items to players
As always, feel free to share what you created using this plugin, don't hesitate to contact me if you have any question or issues, and if you like my work, please leave a rating on this plugin to show it ;)


Sniper95260 - WebCraftAPI creator
----------, Jan 24, 2023

Hello dear WebCraftAPI users ! Been a long time huh ?

First, I would like to apologize for my lack of communication about the plugin. Long story short : New job, new home in a new town, new car, new life, well, it didn't leave me a lot of time to work on this plugin, but it seem to getting better, and I should be able to post update more frequently, yay !

So, what's new on this version ?
  • Full API engine rewrite for improved quality, and simpler code, allowing me to edit the plugin faster and make it more stable and maintainable.
  • New documentation website (work still in progress), to make it easier for you to write your API calls.
  • LOOOOOOTS of bugfixes ! (Well, most of the code was untested back then...).
  • Fixed the HTTP return codes, so now a 404 should be a 404 !
  • REST API standard is used for endpoints, so it should be easier to maintain and use (no more /api/player?player="player name" !)
  • Better management of the different key-types and keys
  • Rewrited configuration file (old ones are not compatible anymore)
  • And lots of other things I don't remember right now
  • Plugin has been written for minecraft 1.18.1, but should be compatible with newer versions (but it's untested yet... tell me if you have any issues in a newer version)
Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy this version, and don't hesitate to send me a message if something went wrong, if you have any suggestion or question, or if you wanna share your creations with me, I'm curious to see what you can do with all those APIs ;)
----------, Nov 7, 2022

WebCraftAPI 1.2.1 - The POST update Is out !

What's new :
  • Added support for POST request
  • New POST request :
    • Broadcast / send message
    • Add / remove servers operators
    • Add / remove players from the whitelist
    • Save World(s)
    • Stop the server
  • Various engine/code improvements

Bonus :
----------, Mar 19, 2022

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 875
First Release: Feb 3, 2022
Last Update: Aug 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings